Picked this up for the motor and the wheels/tires. Runs and drive great, but it's rusty in all the usual spots and not worth saving. The rest of it is getting parted. I'm a bonehead and forgot to grab pictures of the interior, but it's complete. Tan cloth, automatic climate control, single DIN radio w/ pocket, cargo cover, etc. Any requests? Looking to move this stuff fast and prices will reflect it. Will get pictures of the interior when I'm out at the shop in the next few days.
I'll take the driveshaft for now. I'll think about the hood and bumper. Can you pm me your address and number. Also a good time to grab it.
We're going to strip the car this upcoming weekend and I'll set aside the driveshaft. I'll PM you Monday with an address and number. If I'm way off on the prices for the hood and bumper, don't feel bad about saying something!
Sounds good. I'll see you Monday. I'm debating whether or not the Outback I have is actually worth fixing. That's the only reason why I haven't made a decision on the rest of the parts.
No worries. The grille is tentatively sold, as is the front bumper. I'll still grab the driveshaft this weekend for you though.
Okay. -rearview mirror? compass auto-dimming -Cargo cover tan -Cargo liner? -air snorkus (accordion-like thing) -rear wiper motor
Rearview mirror: sold Cargo cover - tan - $40 Cargo liner - tan - $10 I'll have to check on the air intake accordion thing. Don't know if we're keeping that for the motor swap. Rear wiper motor - it works, $25.
Re:cargo liner, I was thinking of one of those black tray pieces. Is yours plastic or carpet? Thank you -rick
Ah, got it. There's the tan plastic cargo liner with 'SUBARU' molded in it, then the tan carpeted panels below it, then the black foam(?) cubbies under the carpeted panels, and under that is the spare tire. All those parts are there and up for grabs.
I'll take it the plastic cargo liner. How to get it? I have an appointment at Ridgedale Thursday morning at 11. I will kind of be in the area and could drive out ~1030 if necessary.