AWD Dyno

Discussion in 'General Subaru Discussion' started by Justin, Dec 14, 2004.

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  1. Justin

    Justin Well-Known Member

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    I was talking with the guys over at propulshun and they are taking over rs sports in january. He said they will be getting a new awd dyno and will charge ~60 a run. He also said that they would probably play around with the car when its on the dyno...ex..running 1/4 mile times and what not for no extra charge.

    Not sure if this is old news or not...but just an fyi if not.
  2. kickin_81

    kickin_81 Well-Known Member

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    Do you know if they'll be located on University ave in St. Paul or at their same location in Minneapolis?
  3. BlackDubRX

    BlackDubRX New Member

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    They can do 1/4 miles on dynos?? Since when?! Good, it'll save me having to drive to RockFalls! :D
  4. FuJi K

    FuJi K Well-Known Member

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    The last time I was there, from what I heard RS Motors are moving to apple valley.

    When I was at RS Motors/Propulshun, I got to see some guys tune a ITR-Turbo. Funny things was if I didn't suggest that the wastegate wasn't opening, they would have been scratching their heads. That ITR has rods and 9:1 pistons running t3/t4 hybrid turbo and 7psi wastegate. While tuning, they set the wastegate to work on its own but they reached a peak psi of 20. Every run they reached 18-20psi until I suggested that the wastegate wasn't opening. It was an external wastegate and when they DID reroute the hoses, it opened up and it was loud as heck.

    I told them that when it opens, you can hear LOTS of air flow. The car was tuned with a Greddy e-manage. it made 249hp@20psi (wastegate didn't open). The boost was set to 12psi after rerouting the hoses and he ran a litte over 200hp.
  5. bikerboy

    bikerboy Subie GOD Staff Member

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    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by FuJi K

    The last time I was there, from what I heard RS Motors are moving to apple valley.

    When I was at RS Motors/Propulshun, I got to see some guys tune a ITR-Turbo. Funny things was if I didn't suggest that the wastegate wasn't opening, they would have been scratching their heads. That ITR has rods and 9:1 pistons running t3/t4 hybrid turbo and 7psi wastegate. While tuning, they set the wastegate to work on its own but they reached a peak psi of 20. Every run they reached 18-20psi until I suggested that the wastegate wasn't opening. It was an external wastegate and when they DID reroute the hoses, it opened up and it was loud as heck.

    I told them that when it opens, you can hear LOTS of air flow. The car was tuned with a Greddy e-manage. it made 249hp@20psi (wastegate didn't open). The boost was set to 12psi after rerouting the hoses and he ran a litte over 200hp.
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    That says lots about tuning!
  6. yosmiley

    yosmiley Subie OG Missin'In Action

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    I have nothing good to say as far as allowing Propulshion/RSMotor tune my car. I'd rather trust Russ and Matt with my car then those guys.

    The products they carry pretty much sales it self... I wouldn't even goto them for suggestions of what parts I should put in my car. If Fuji's was able to point that out to them while they were tunning a car... man, that's scary, not saying I trust Fuji either :D I don't even trust myself HA HA!
  7. Justin

    Justin Well-Known Member

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    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by kickin_81

    Do you know if they'll be located on University ave in St. Paul or at their same location in Minneapolis?
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    They told me they are going to stay in st. paul off of university. I believe the garage is right behind the parts store.
  8. BlackDubRX

    BlackDubRX New Member

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    I wouldn't let any yoho at any shop to tune my car... If they blow your motor they shrug and say NEXT! If my engine blows on the dyno I want it to be my fault.
  9. ricqik

    ricqik Guest

    Them again.:mad: I'd stay away from them.
  10. capone

    capone Guest

    They blew Kuba's engine in his STi.
  11. Zola

    Zola Well-Known Member

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    Ha, that story is way old.
  12. WRX1

    WRX1 _ Staff Member

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    Just as a credibility standpoint, if you go back a re-read this thread, they are moving to 3-4 different places. You can't have a good business if everyone things you are going to different locations. Also, just like last summer, they were quoting people everything for $50 to $80 just for 1 pull on the dyno. The makes it kinda hard for people to believe in your services. Besides, has anyone ever heard of somebody getting tuned at rs?

  13. BlackDubRX

    BlackDubRX New Member

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    When i called about two weeks ago for dyno prices they told me 3 runs for $60.
  14. Justin

    Justin Well-Known Member

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    Well it definitely sounds like they dont have their sh*t together.
  15. FuJi K

    FuJi K Well-Known Member

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    Regarding the Tuner who tuned the ITR, he was a different guy. I haven't seen him before and he's new to RS motors. The RS Motors guys didn't tune the car but this new guy did.

    The thing is, even with 9:1 CR pistons and rods, they shouldn't have gone 5psi over what they set it to. If it was a different motor, say mine, it would have BLOWN UP! Just to be on the safe side, I wouldn't have let it reach 17-18psi if I ran a WRX turbo with 9:1 when I set it to run the stock WRX wastegate.
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