Cleaning out the MNSubaru email accout

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by WRX1, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. WRX1

    WRX1 _ Staff Member

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    So every once in a while I go into the MNSubaru email account and clean out all the crap that has been building up since the last time I did it. This time I figured I would post up some of the random crap that gets hurled my way on a regular basis. This is a little insite to what I have to deal with on a daily basis. I am just going to copy pasta the text , so please ignore formatting and such.

    And on to some of the funny.

    If one of these emails are from you, it is best to just keep quiet.


    This is the first board I've found where I can't respond to threads because of insufficient privileges. One of your members has 2010 WRX springs for sale that I'm looking for and I can't respond to them/buy them because of the privileges issue.

    So please remove me from your membership, since I apparently can't do anything. Finding these items stock, for sale, is extremely hard and I've been searching for two weeks. My existing suspension for my 2008 OBS is shot and needs replacement.



    "What color is WRB?"

    I'm guessing this is an exclusive & elusive answer?

    I'm looking for stock 2009 or 2010 WRX springs and one of your members has them for sale.
    ^^^Also from a Jason?????


    I cannot post anywhere do to insufficient privileges. I confirmed my account multiple times and can't even post in the welcome mat. Help please



    I am trying to remove some unfavorable and/or revealing content about myself from the internet. I work for a government agency where background checks are common and was advised to remove as much content as possible. Would you mind searching for my name on your site and removing all references? It would all be from several years ago.

    The main reference is here. You'll notice it is almost 8 years old:

    Sorry, I am posting the link, but you get the idea.


    Could you please delete it? Some of the people on this forum are pond scum. No need to be part of a douche fest.


    Hi, I'm new here.....How come i can't post or respond to any thread?


    I posted an ad for an apt on CL and immediately rec'd a response from someone at I am so new to all this computer stuff at my age of 55 that I wasn't sure what it was. I googled it, and luckily, your post from one of your employees on the MNsubaru thing came up about someone who appeared to be a crook came up--Bless you all for keeping me from getting into something dangerous on this compter. An old friend of mine buys nothing but Subarus --he's says there are safe--and MNsabaru was safe for me--Thank you from Illinois!

    And 2 days later she sends another one.....

    I posted an ad for an apt on CL and immediately rec'd a response from someone at I am so new to all this computer stuff at my age of 55 that I wasn't sure what it was. I googled it, and luckily, your post from one of your employees on the MNsubaru site came up about someone who appeared to be a crook from tw.coalio-----Bless you all for keeping me from getting into something dangerous on this computer. An old friend of mine buys nothing but Subarus --he's says they're safe--and MNsabaru was safe for me-- I hope you can find the person and thank him for me. I tried to loginto the posting but couldn't so---a Big Thank you from Illinois!



    I just signed up for the forums. I clicked the verification link and when I first went to a forum it brought me to the forum rules, which I still read and accepted.

    However, in any forum or topic, even the Welcome Mat, I see no post button and a small message at the bottom right of the screen that says (You have insufficient privileges to post here.)

    I'm using Chrome and I disabled Adblock and tried Internet Explorer to see if that was the problem, but it's still happening.

    Is there a delay before posting is allowed that I missed?


    Can the restriction from replying or starting new posts please be lifted. I'm trying to get ahold of a member about purchasing a car wait is killing me!!


    cant i talk to people . need parts...


    Hi, I just signed up for the forums today, but i am unable to post anything anywhere. Every page I visit has a little message in the bottom right corner of the screen that says "you have insufficient privlidges to post here". I couldn't even post in the new members forum. I looked at the forum rules and help section and didn't see anything helpful to address this problem. What am I missing?



    I recently received pts for some shinanigans. When I try to go to the site, I am commonly redirected to youtube and would like that removed/fixed.


    How long do I have to wait before being approved?

    Please respond.


    I am a new member.. Can someone explain to me why I can not message anyone or post anything.. I spent along time looking and I cannot find any way to message someone?


    I have a 06 tr need tune I have a accessport but need custom car perrin shortram intake invida n1 cbe and waiting on invida n1 v3 dpi


    close my ****in account


    Ok, some on to some explanation.

    In the forum rules, it explains that their is a manual approval process for all account. So after you register, the site emails you, you have to click the link, then I do a check on the account. While this does slow down the whole process, that helps eliminate spam from the forum. Yesterday alone we had 390 spam accounts that tried to register. And those are the ones that got blocked by the site, I still had to dig through about 10 new users that did not trip the spam flags.

    So every day when I get home, I sift through the emails and approve members. Most of these members that can't post usually fire off emails less than 5 minutes AFTER they click the email verification link and click "ok" to the rules that has the statements about the manual approval process. As I run across more, I will add them to this thread.

    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
    CarpalTomO, Nhibbs, Cotts612 and 5 others like this.
  2. WRX1

    WRX1 _ Staff Member

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    And we had 124 attempted bot registrations in the last 24 hours, 10 new users and only 2 of those users panned out to be as legit as I can figure out.

  3. readymix

    readymix ...Lest ye be trod upon... Staff Member

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    HAHA! I know who some of those people are, lol!
  4. GiMp

    GiMp Well-Known Member

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    Readymix was one of them
  5. idget

    idget Want to pokéman? PM ShortytheFirefighter Staff Member

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    And you thought the idiots ON the forum were bad.
  6. readymix

    readymix ...Lest ye be trod upon... Staff Member

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    Negative. Unless you're going back all the way to 2003 when I was asking why my account hasn't been activated yet. Which it never was. This is actually my second account. I purged the first, unactivated account from the database when I was admin for a while back in 2005-06 time frame. Before I purged it, my user name was actually 'readymixwrx' because my inactive account was keeping me from using that name.
    Some other idiot named Jason is the cause of those emails.
  7. Nhibbs

    Nhibbs Well-Known Member

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    I just want to say that I appreciate the effort you take to keep spam out of the site!
    The whole time I was reading your post I was imagining these guys trying to create hundreds of accounts every day:
