*I'm making this thread a stickey for now because of the frequency of the problem with the fuel smell / fuel leak problem with some 02-03 Impreza models* -Gridlocked (12/17/08) Tags: Fuel smell, gas leak, gas smell, fuel leak, impreza fuel smell, WRX fuel smell, WRX gas smell, ______________________________________________________________________________________________ I've never heard of this problem before, but that's not saying much. The last several times I've warmed my car up before driving I've smelled gasoline, inside & out. I've been getting rather crappy mileage lately, too (21-22 tank average for mostly highway driving) but I don't know if that's just the cold -- using gas to warm up the car while standing still, for example. 2004 WRX wagon, 100k miles. Do I have a gas leak somewhere? Good thing I don't smoke, or I'd probably know already. :ugh:
I think the typical problem like this is limited to the 02/03, but I could be wrong about that. Anyhow, with the 02/03 there's a TSB for this, which dealers would do under warranty. Essentially when it's really cold the fuel lines in the engine compartment would either contract or get too stiff, and leak. In think the fix was slightly longer lines, iirc. But with an 04, I'm not sure the issue would be the same.
I've never seen it on models over 2003..and even then it was mainly common in just early 2002 models. And yes it's because of a contracting fuel hose under the manifold close to the turbo. All you need is a slightly longer fuel line assuming that's your problem
When I took it to Tires Plus for an alignment a few months ago, they said my car was an "'03 and 1/2" in which case that part of the design might be the same?? However, I've been taking it to the dealer for service and they've never said anything about it being anything other than an '04. It does, after all, have the '04-'05 body style. Assuming the fuel line is the problem, is this something that I should replace immediately, or will it be okay for another month? (assuming I don't mind bad mileage for that time) My warranty is non-existent, so I'd have to pay for it either way.
Some people have had at least temporary luck getting a screwdriver down in and tightening the clamps that can be reached. I can't offer more, as I had mine done (late 02 model) at Morries.
Yeap, pretty normal for WRx. Just got my 02WRx done at RSmotor for the same problem. Pretty much its a 3-4inch gas tube that slightly shrinks in the cold that causes it to leak. When it warms up it doesn't smell. Just had my done this past weekend. Cost me about $70 for parts and $290 labor. I was told its out dated and the new tube is slightly longer, updated version.
Vector's got it right, although it is a TSB, which means you would have to pay to get it fixed at the dealer, they would not cover it under warranty.
Well, a TSB is something that will usually be covered under warranty, as long as the warranty is still in force. But it the warranty has expired, it will be an out-of-pocket expense. A recall, OTOH is no charge for anyone. A TSB simply lets the dealerships know, "this is common, this is how you fix it." Even if there wasn't a TSB, a dealer damn well better fix a gas leak on a car under warranty.
My MY04 did that today before I left work. I thought oh crap its my injectors, but no spray so I went on with my drive home. I didn't buy my car for the super mileage and checking it must of the time just saddens me so I couldn't tell you if the leak is that substantial.
The minor leak shouldn't cause much loss of fuel mileage at all. It's a minor amount of fuel, but as you probably already know... It doesn't take much to smell gasoline. The TSB for this issue was for 02-03MY WRX's and didn't apply to the 04MY. That doesn't mean you don't have the issue, but it wasn't issued by Subaru as a common problem. The only way it is covered under warranty, is if you still fall under the "New" car warranty - Which is 3 Year/36,000 Miles. That's not a powertrain covered problem.
yup, both our 04 wrx's have the same problem and both started today. I thought I fixed mine either last winter or the winter before....but the smell is back, this time both smell on the drivers side. i will be tightening the hose clamps tonight:roll: i had a call from a mnsubaru member today. his 2003 is doing it too
I just made an appointment at Morries for tomorrow. My leak is so bad that on the way home today I saw steam from under the hood when I stopped. Upon investigation, I saw a puddle under the intercooler, stuck a paper towel to soak up the fluid. I took it outside with a lighter and WHOOF, up went the paper towel. No good with a kid in the back of the car.
It even happens on my N/A 02 Impreza. Only when it gets this cold. I could smell it whenever I stopped at a light, fumes sucked in through the vents.
Ouch, ted...that sucks!!! Mine was pretty bad too, and it's leaking from the same location on the drivers side. I tightened the hose clamp a bit more and hoping that cures it. If not, it's time to take off the intake manifold and redo all the lines
Yes, when you type gas/leak/smell in the search section there is alot of info. I remember last year everybody started a thread about it. I too have this wonderful smell when I start my car! :hsugh:
you can get to 1 on the drivers side and 2 (of 4 clamps?) on the passenger side. Last night I tightened my drivers side (where it was leaking) and no smell or puddles this morning. Hope it cures it for now. However, if it happens again I'll take the intake manifold off and replace the lines. :roll:
ditto on the location of the clamps that can be gotten to? Its worth a go if it'll help a little, especially since I now have a little one in the back seat. Can someone post a couple pics of the location?
Heading for Minnetonka Morries in about 20 mintues. Let's hope my car doesn't start on fire on the way there. I'll bring my camera just incase.:biggrin:
I just tightened up my fuel lines and am getting a puddle on the passanger side of what I think is gas. Its -30 air temp here and I don't want to be outside, brrr. I also tried tightening the driver side but there is only one that I can get to. The line on the pass side was #3 in the pic iirc and it was a bit damp with gas. I tightened the clamps and poured some hot water over the lines to get the gas out and it seems to be less of an issue. Can someone get an acutal pic of the problemmatic line. my fingers are still frozen, please excues my typing , hahha
yes..just two days ago...i started smelling gasoline inside the car...i was going to search but never got to it...this solves my problem...i will probably let it go until it gets warmer...maybe tomorrow...because we're shooting for a high of 10 degrees...unlike today at 0...
This is common on other vehicles. This same thing happened to my 1999 Audi A4. All i had to do was replace a 7inch long section of my fuel line! It was extreamly easy sense it was off to the side and not under anything. On the Subaru's its a lot more work sense you have to remove the intake manifold because its under everything! Not fun!
Thanks to the tecs at Morries Minnetonka. Good to see you again, Ben and Brian. Thanks to my club membership, I saved about $50.00 - which should give you an idea of the total bill...:emo::emo::emo:
oops, should =have read this thread I've got the same issue ... would love to find another member who'd be willing and able to do the fix for me ... see my other thread.
yeah, dealers are expensive, but at least you can feel confident knowing you had great mechanics under your hood and the job was done properly! Good investment in your car and small price for safety...if you ask me. so congrats!
I did mine without the "new" rail. I just used new fuel line, and tightened all the clamps. It's a great time to do a Turbo Inlet too, if you don't already have one.
so did it solve the problem? I'm looking at buying a new turbo inlet and this is a good excuse to remove the old one and install a new unit. Can I just install a new line (longer) and new hoses clamps and will it seal up better? I hate the smell and its driving me crazy/dizzy!
Yes, this fixes it. Subaru just came up with the "new fuel line" to justify taking off the intake manifold.
wtf! why hasn't anyone mentioned this?! I'm gonna tackle this as soon as I get a new turbo inlet, any one got one for sale? Any special/better fuel line that I should use? Also should I double clamp the ends, one on the flange itself and one at the ends of the lenthened section?
wait, you still have to remove the intake manifold to access (for removal/installation) of the drivers side rubber hoses, right?
Yes, but it was more "effective" to come up with a "real" cause besides the fact that Subaru didn't think that the lines would expand/contract so much in the bitter cold. Most of the clamps you'll find under the intake will be loose. Mine were, and so have the others on cars I have repaired. I used new fuel line, but I don't think it's needed unless the line is really hard or brittle. At that point, just tightening the clamps may cause the rubber line to crack or split, which would be a whole new leak.
Man, I really appreciate your answer...thanks! Eventually I'm going to take the intake off, but I've never done it before....looks pretty simple. any tips? besides replacing the gasket?
Double and triple check all the wiring connectors so you don't break any. Dumping coolant prior to removing anything helps too.
I am going to be starting this project tomorrow night. I am broke so I am going to be pulling the intake manifold. I hope I don't have to do the coolant! Was waiting until i brought it in for the water pump and T-Belt for that Going to replace the rest of the fuel lines down there,and put some better clamps on them while I am at it. Anyone have any other suggestions of stuff to tackle while its this far apart?
What are the dia. of the fuel hoses so I can be prepared once everything is apart in case they do need to be replaced?