My subie is crying!!! HELP

Discussion in 'General Subaru Discussion' started by tbone, Nov 27, 2004.

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  1. tbone

    tbone Well-Known Member

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    I need advice or help urgent. I just asked you guys before I turn my babi in to the dealership. If I start my car, I heard a whining, metal scratching kind from the engine. It also make that noise when I rev it, I believe it make the same noise when I accelerate but I couldn't barely heard it because my exhaust is to laud to hear it. I check under my hood the oil the coolant fluid, power steering etc, Negative. It comes right at the alternator pulleys. When I turn my headlights on, it makes that noise louder, when I turn it off it quite it down. Akward!!! What should I do and what can I make it stop the whinning, scratching noise:mad:
  2. Beej

    Beej New Member

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    spray a little bit of wd-40 on the alt. belt, see if the noise stops. if so, tighten/replace the belt.
  3. Musashi

    Musashi Well-Known Member

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    If its from your belts, get some belt dressing, and if its coming from your engine, get some Lucas petroleum additive, its very THICK, so it should keep your engine quick.

    Good luck.

  4. LVT

    LVT Well-Known Member

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    time for a new belt?
  5. tbone

    tbone Well-Known Member

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    I did spray some of wd 40 last night, not that much it was freakin cold out thur, you thing it will help?

    Chong: Is that the lubrication grease?
  6. WRX1

    WRX1 _ Staff Member

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    Just put a new belt on, if you are to cheap to install a new belt (its called maintanence) you shouldn't be driving a car and avoid the engine additive unless you want to install a new motor. Also check the alternator with a dmm to make that is working before you get stranded someplace. Always avoid engine additives, all that is going to do is mask the real problem. That would be like haveing a rod knock and just gear lube instead of regular oil.

  7. Musashi

    Musashi Well-Known Member

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    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by tbone

    I did spray some of wd 40 last night, not that much it was freakin cold out thur, you thing it will help?

    Chong: Is that the lubrication grease?
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">


    If your gonna use a lubricant for belt pulleys than use Justice Bro's, its alot better than WD40. If you suspect its your belts you better inspect it closely. Lucas (heavyduty oil stabilizer)-is for noise engines or engines that done seal soo good anymore, I think the directs call for 20% of the total amount of oil you would put into your car. So if this is correct, on a four cyclinder, its like a quart.

    If its an issue with power, you may want to test it out. Start the car, let it warm up, get a volt meter, disconnect the Negitive battery terminal and see if the car stays on, get the reading of the battery and the alternator. If the car stays on, than it may not be your alternator, and if it goes out than you know what needs replacing. If alternator is not the issue, I'd take the batter in and get it bench tested. And double check your belts incase they might be missing some spine's.

  8. tbone

    tbone Well-Known Member

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    Chong: If I run my engine and disconnect my battery, would it the engine turn off?
    And BTW on the volt meter, I think all car has the same volt limit. Is that 14 or 13v?
  9. Musashi

    Musashi Well-Known Member

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    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by tbone

    Chong: If I run my engine and disconnect my battery, would it the engine turn off?
    And BTW on the volt meter, I think all car has the same volt limit. Is that 14 or 13v?
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Thats what you want to find out, if the engine cuts out when you disconnect the negitive terminal, than its an indication that you have a bad alternator. As for the volt readings you want that battery to be around 12-14v. Another thing you may want to check is the belts tension, make sure its tight enough where there is not too much play and not too tight where it highly stretched out.

  10. tbone

    tbone Well-Known Member

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    Alright. I just gonna try it our. Thanks all!!!
  11. LVT

    LVT Well-Known Member

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    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by Mushashi

    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by tbone

    I did spray some of wd 40 last night, not that much it was freakin cold out thur, you thing it will help?

    Chong: Is that the lubrication grease?
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">


    If your gonna use a lubricant for belt pulleys than use Justice Bro's, its alot better than WD40. If you suspect its your belts you better inspect it closely. Lucas (heavyduty oil stabilizer)-is for noise engines or engines that done seal soo good anymore, I think the directs call for 20% of the total amount of oil you would put into your car. So if this is correct, on a four cyclinder, its like a quart.

    If its an issue with power, you may want to test it out. Start the car, let it warm up, get a volt meter, disconnect the Negitive battery terminal and see if the car stays on, get the reading of the battery and the alternator. If the car stays on, than it may not be your alternator, and if it goes out than you know what needs replacing. If alternator is not the issue, I'd take the batter in and get it bench tested. And double check your belts incase they might be missing some spine's.


    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    you don't really have to do what chong said. That's the long way. If you want to test if the alternator/battery is bad or not. All you have to do is check the voltage on the battery with the volt meter. When checking the charges on the battery it should read in the 14's or sometimes high 13's. If it's in the high 13's or in the 14's the battery is good and the alternator isn't working good. If it's lower like in the 12's or lower you got a bad battery.
  12. rallywrx

    rallywrx New Member

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    From your discription of the problem it sounds like you have a bearing going out. With the car running, carefully listen around using your ear on the end of a long screw driver. Start with the alternator since you already suspect that. If the grinding sound is louder on the alternator then any other components you have found your problem!
  13. tbone

    tbone Well-Known Member

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    I'm decided do test it tomorrow it still cold out thur and my work blast my Azz out. Thanks guys
  14. tbone

    tbone Well-Known Member

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    ok this is my result today. I run my car to warm out. I check the voltage the alternator power source an I got 13 below upper 12's. You guys think that might the problem coursing of weak battery? It gotten louder today. How the optimal battery sound like to replace the old battery? Suggestions?
  15. LVT

    LVT Well-Known Member

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    i guess you got a bad battery but i don't think that would make sounds from your engine. optimal batteries i heard are good. I forgot what each color top is for though. Anyways I'm guessing that squeaky,scratchy sound could be your belt. I'm not sure though unless i hear the car in person. But since you already know you got a weak battery, try recharging it. Battery life should last atleast 5 yrs. Your car hasn't been around that long yet. If the battery don't recharge then replace it and probably the belt too if that's what's causing the sound.
  16. WRX1

    WRX1 _ Staff Member

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    sounds like a weak alternator to me. The battery is going to mirror the alt, so if the alt is only putting out low 13's, you have a bad alt. With the car running you should have around 14.2 to 14.5 with the car running (at the alt or battery). Again, put on a new acc belt, it could be slipping. Spend the $10 on a belt and check voltage again.

  17. bikerboy

    bikerboy Subie GOD Staff Member

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    The alt. is only going to make above 13v + when it is above say 1500 rpm. I would retest holding the idle at 1500-2000 if you see anything over 13.5v I would move on.

    My personal suspiscion is that it is the idler timing pulley on the drivers bank. I would pull the four bolts that hold the cover and see if the noise is louder.

  18. tbone

    tbone Well-Known Member

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    I will do that Russ, Lue and Matt. Ups!!! forgot chong and the rest my fam. I planing to get the FHI belt or the stock ones. Quick question Sti timing belt, are they fit for my vehicle?
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