Looking to get a toe hook of some sort Any ideas. Anyone else with this or similar year models that have installed one. Looking for input and pics dont hurt. Thanks in advance. A.K.A. Upsidedownguy.
Are you talking one of those big aluminum JDMFOLYFE type tow hooks? My preference if i was going for a tow hook.
I actually have one of each type for mine. The hinged one I just keep in the car for the front bumper in case I need it. JDMFOLYFE one is mounted in back just because the lower skirt/spoiler obscures the factory hook. There's a good DIY version of the front hook on NASIOC... https://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1786249 Ideally I'd try to find or make a steel bolt-on for the rear to replace the stocker instead of the aluminum ones that bolt onto the stock hook.
I was digging threw my trunk last night and I found this. My Subaru didn't come with a info/users manual, so thanks to this site I'm learning more.