I figured I'd kick off a photo/vid thread from the cruise. Thanks to everyone for the great event despite the ****ty weather! I (thought) I had a lot more footage, but the GoPro died a lot sooner than I thought it was going to. Updated 7/26 Sorry for the shaky video...
Here is my video, didn't get as much video as I wanted. First time on this cruise, so now I know what to expect so I will get much more next year.
well done video @MN_XV_712 the rain driving was giving me flashbacks, not quite ptsd level, but flashbacks nonetheless. My drivers ed instructor would have been proud of my death grip at 10 and 2 on the wheel!
Thanks! Between the heavy rain and feeling the explosion of a transformer through out the car, it was crazy and fun cruise!
Anyone get video of me with my arm out the window in the full on downpours? Had to have the window down because I'm a genius and pulled my ac out
I don't have AC either, but i had my windows up. Maybe you and your copilot should cut back on the heavy breathing next time? I was grateful for the rain because it was alot cooler than it could have been(especially if i had mouth breathers in my car with me) lol Fail...rad
I updated the first video. Youtube had the previous video blocked. Copyright laws... Made a few changes too. I discovered I somewhat enjoy video editing, although I'm definitely no expert! Thanks for sharing folks! Moar vidoez pleaz
2nd video at 1:11, that red VW Golf on a donut in the back and a trailer with 2 dirtbikes. The driver was taking corners so fast, it was incredible for the conditions. We got a video of part of it and it was impressive.
Fantastic Joe!! I love the slow mo as you pass each car. We had a good variety this year!! Need moar GC's doe! Great videos everyone!!
RainX Latitude wiper blades(aka teh sux). The rubber kept sliding off of them. Had to slide them back in place before they popped completely off and turned into metal on glass action. And i have to pee alot.