Theres are a lot of websites out there for performance and upgrades. I was wondering which ones you all recommend and have had good service with? I found this one... But haven't tried ordering anything yet.
anywhere but vivid racing. look under the vendor for sale in stock are of the classifieds. Almost all of those palces are very reputable, or importimage which has deals for members of this site.
add mauromotorsports to the "dont waste your time, pay the extra $5 and get it from someone less shady" list
Importimageracing, his name is Josh and he's a vendor on this site with very good prices, check him out.
No, very good customer service. I would also recommend Maddad parts. Quality parts and excellent customer service. if you aren't a complete ***** about buying things online and you have common sense. I've never been burned on there, and if you need tips on how to use it, I can assist.
+ 1 for Gruppe-S. I have ordered stuff from there and they are great. Primitive Racing is a very good place too. good customer service, I had them do some custom stuff on a part i ordered and it turned out amazing. for your JDM needs
+1 for Primitive Racing Love the skidplate and diff protector I got from him.
Wheels: (yay for Rotas) Lots o' stuff: (great price on Group N bushings) Great site, lots of stuff brought to you by fellow enthusiasts: (damn funny guys too) Just because it's a friggin' MASSIVE resource: (long time member, ditto on classifieds for deals) (also hit up the Vendors section and see who's around) Of course... There really are tons of sites devoted to Subaru...many, many more... There's suppost to be a good JDM inport site too but forgot what it was. I was looking at maybe grabbing some STI Forester take-offs... ...was a while ago.
hey i follow through....i can vote for myself...since i now have a scooby no one gives me better service then myself
oooh ooh if only ray had said that.. DOnt know Josh as well to rip on that one.... oh and the title of the thread looked like someone searching for Paris PORN!!!
hA! I just ordered from Josh.... and just to find out that he was on here ... hahaha lolz!!!! hey... where's my discount?? Though I guess I'm biased to them since they're the flagship Subaru dealership a few miles from me. Their prices are pretty much the norm for Cobb parts but they occasionally have some really great sale prices on stuff (got my 18x8 Prodrives for under $1000). Aww, they have my car on the front of their page now too
i know it might be a little late but i know for sure that rallysportdirect is extremely trustworthy and reliable,also as long as youre not looking for aps stuff is just as wife and i get just about everything off of rallysportdirect...
Right now, I'm a bit unhappy with them since they basically didn't tell me my order was backordered until I poked at them a week later wondering why it was still "Pending". called me right away on my cell (2 hours after I submitted the order) when the wheel locks I wanted were out of stock and asked me what I wanted to do. So far, one good and one semi-bad experience with them thus far.
Sticky? What qualifies something as sticky-worthy? Should this thread be one? I re-found it today and it made me happy.
heres a few i've paged through
Someone, a few years ago put together a comprehensive list of Subaru sites. Here it is. Not sure how many of these are still active, but it's a good place to start.
We got his car from Texas!! I also re-found this today and think it would be sticky-worthy for those of us who like to make lists of things we want and need! :biggrin:
yeah its def. from texas..from the gillman dealership in austin..bought on 8-13-99.....i still have those dumb emissions stickers too...i would dump in my pants if you actually recognised my car...:biggrin:
It looked a bit like my old GC but I just learned that it's now in Nebraska:
I'd like to bump this list agian. Just because I always seem to be looking for it when I am price matching other websites.
Thank you, this question has been on my mind (where to shop for parts), but I had never seen this thread before.
I'd like to add to the list. Call and talk to Jon if you need any clarification about parts or whether they'll fit. He called a couple major vendors on my behalf and called me back with real answers in about 15 minutes. Also, rallispec is awesome. I've ordered more than a few parts from those guys and have never had any negative experiences with them. If you need Group N stuff they are the place to get it from.
rallispec pwnz btw...expensive as hell but it pwnz i would love to get my hands on those 55-51 rally suspension systems there up at the top