Omg I’m going to go nuts! Every, single, commercial... “in these trying times”...”in these uncertain times”...”we’re all in this together”. SMH
Between those and the emails from online companies updating me on how their employees are working from home now but it won't affect any services, I'm going insane too..
Now imagine getting those emails from every customer and ever manufacture you work directly with as a distributor who's still stuck in an office in way too close of quarters with people who drive you nuts every day. This is my hell.
That too!! I “work from home” now. I get on my phone and file unenjoyment...then I’m done for the day/week.
I'd love to, since we're plastics company... but all the clear materials are being run out of existence currently
I was wondering where all the retail stores were sourcing that product all at the same time and in fairly large quantities. Kinda like clear, rigid toilet paper.
Well, week one of being furloughed i might have already found a job. I can honestly say one week with nothing important to do blows.
Covid-free since ‘93, thanks to @GrimmSpeed(and my wife’s sewing skills)! Went with the button snaps, ftw. Disclaimer. I think the masks are a joke, but eventually I’ll get arrested at Aldi if I don’t have one on. Hahaha
I believe they want to go back to work and want the governor to open up the businesses that are closed. I saw a statistic yesterday that Minnesota has had 35 people lose their jobs for each death from COVID-19 so far. the cure worse than the ailment?
That seems very counter productive. I understand that people want to get back to work, but unemployment is there to aid and we seem to be trending in the right direction. My guess would be they're sick of being stuck at home with their SO's.
Sad but true. I saw a statistic that stated domestic calls/altercations are up 83%. It’s a crazy world that we live in. I make more money on unemployment. So I’m happy with staying home or going back to work. I prefer to make money myself. But the government issued PTO isn’t terrible though.
I'll lose my job 35 times if I don't have to lose a friend or family member. We won't know where the line between caution and paranoia was until we have the benefit of hindsight. Since we're talking about peoples' lives here, I'm OK with erring on the side of "too much" caution.
So in about 2 weeks we're going to see a spike in COVID from all the Liberators hanging outside of the govenor's house. Hopefully this pandemic is well documented so future generations don't repeat it.
It's crap like this and the hard decisions that have to be made that makes me wonder just why anyone wants to go into politics. I'll bet Walz got way more than he bargained for when he signed up to run for governor. You couldn't pay me enough money to make the decisions he has to. To coin the tired cliche, he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. I get it why these people need to go back to work, but it also seems that there are a lot of jobs out there to be found - the last time I was in Menards and Cub there were new cashiers being trained. I'm going to guess a good number of these protesters are simply people that want to again go to the bar or movies, or out to eat because they are too lazy to cook for themselves. They should have watched the governor's daily news conference on Friday when the head of the Minnesota nurse's union spoke. The things she had to say made me cry.
This was basically everything that I said yesterday as well. But what do you do, you can’t fix stupid.
Sorry all, just catching up as I have been off the site for quite some time. Interesting times to be sure. I really appreciated this thread and the informed discourse about if this is working, if it's worth it, the protest, etc. Way to keep it civil! My wife is a teacher and she's WFH setting up school for the kids remotely. I'm in sales and WFH but my customer (Best Buy) has shut stores but is planning for later in the summer when they re-open so I am still busy-ish. Two kids are remote learning so that's been a new challenge for all of us. I'm all for staying home for a few more weeks if it really does "flatten the curve" or push the peak out a bit to help our healthcare workers. I just wish the country was more prepared and had taken things seriously early so we'd have more tests and better know what was going on. Of course, looking back is always 20/20. We're all staying distant and no-one sick. My sister has a couple of friends who have gotten it, but no-one in my immediate circle has it. FWIW, I am proud of Minnesota - we're very low on the per capita cases/deaths and for the most part people seem to be taking it seriously where I live.
Getting to the "new normal" will be entirely dependent on getting a vaccine to market, especially if it ends up being possible for people to get reinfected even if they have had it already or if it keeps mutating like the "regular" flu does. It wouldn't surprise me if events with large crowds are changed forever.
Agreed. Vaccine, more testing, anti-body testing, etc are all crucial to get us back moving in the right direction.
I must have missed the explanation regarding the logic behind large scale testing of the population. Just because I test negative today, what about tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Where does it end?