But jail is like a free hotel! They even feed you...you just have to get used to the taste of Bubba's cockmeat sandwich.
I see this got stickied. Are we voting on this one as stupidest thread and stupidest new user of the year?
I don't know, my vote still goes to Stuck686 for his forum batman comment. It checked all the boxes for me. Self Fellating, stupid, short sighted, god complex...this guy is more like weapons grade stupid.
“I'd like to know why well-educated idiots keep apologizing for lazy and complaining people who think the world owes them a living.” ― John Wayne
http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/member.php?u=331656 <--- That is probably him. http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2555418 <--- Read that thread then go to his "Hi" introduction thread on here. http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2556676 <--- This one lines up with his thread on here about removing the center console. You can also see where Anubis grates him a little bit for being a butthurt baby because he didn't get his answer quickly enough. http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2555799 <--- Here he gets butthurt again because reality doesn't pat him on the ass the way he wants it to. http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?p=40622965#post40622965 <--- Here you can watch him make an ass of himself by discussing Ford cars with actual car guys.
Yeah, learning to troll on the internet is always exciting when you discover internet forums for the first time.
Oh god you are good. It is definitely him: "Originally Posted by goregasm I'm willing to bet none of you own a 2.0i. Don't talk like that about cars you don't own. 500rpm idle is normal for the cars"
I simply went to the Nasioc regional forums and looked for the Minnesota threads. His was the first one I saw. I read his thread there, and it sounded like him. So I started sifting through his posts. Within about half a page of posts, I knew it was him for sure.
4th one down is my favorite. He started a thread about his LEDs pulsing. People start helping him trouble shoot, then he writes... Originally Posted by goregasm "It's a practically new car that's fine in every other way. So I highly doubt there's anything wrong with it." To which someone responds: "If you believe that then why did you post at all?" Classic...
I love that someone calls him an asshole in every thread he writes in. I wonder if he will ever realize that he is the common denominator in all of these negative interactions. People like him don't usually have the best self awareness though so I bet he will continue thinking everyone else in the world has a personal vendetta against him.
I think it's great he is having issues with his LED lights, people tell him it is an electrical/charging issue, and he states there is nothing wrong with his car. He completely fails to mention the powered sub install he just finished!
hmm low idle and lights flickering after he messed with his electrical system... Im guessing its a ghost because he is clearly a genius and couldn't have messed anything up during his install. It definitely doesn't have to do with an improper ground. He should sell the car asap.
Yeah, it is definitely everyone else. It couldn't possibly be the fact that he says callous and stupid things over and over again on the internet. No way. Obviously it is everyone else.
someone just recommended he join here heheh http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2555418 His thread about making the 2.0i quieter is pretty good lol wut
If you want some more cancer, just read his posts on nasioc. It is pretty entertaining if you don't mind a little cancer now and again. My favorite recent comment of his: "You don't know the difference between torque and horsepower. You feel torque a lot more until you're at highway speeds, then you feel horsepower, but not nearly as much as torque was at low speed."
When i want to know how fast "i" can go, i lace up the New Balance and put the rubber down. 35e IS the best place to do this.
I'm currently on 35E. I don't have anyone with me but I do have binoculars. Could I try topping out my car and look for cops also?