LOL, I had no issues with the car at all when I stoped driving it. I ran just fine, didnt burn oil ect.
I guess I don't see why you guys think the pistons were bad from these pics. The one piston that is wet is from Disassembly. They show they got some good heat in them, denoted by the lack of heavy carbon buildup in the center. The white color is residue from race gas where the heat was not great enough to burn the carbon off. I have not inspected the rest of the pistons for any other flaws.
I was going to say, they look (in color and carbon amount) similiar to my RS block when we took that apart. No detonation or anything and afr's were in the mid 11's under full boost. I think I had more carbon though, mainly because it would run waaaaay rich while warming up when it's cold. I can't wait to see the finished product of all this, it's going to be hella fun :naughty:
I've never seen a nut come un-threaded, that's funny. When I repaired gatling guns in the Navy, we used to get bolts without threads...That was always really wierd.
i think matt is the last person you should have to tell that to, seeing that he is doing the whole build up!
So Erik, are you going to have to get clearance from NASA or something when you let 'er rip? I have a feeling they'll be pissed when you start affecting the Earth's rotation.
Wow...very nice. So is there a plaid section on your speedo now? You know, for when you go right past Ludicrous speed...
LOL. The wrap job is awesome, seeing it in person makes you realize how difficult it is to make it look like that :eek4: