God lives in this thread!*If you don't care for Him,don't open it!*;)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by tangledupinblu, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. pillboy

    pillboy Well-Known Member

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    Merry Christmas Josh.
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  2. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Thanks Mark!:thumbup:
  3. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Prayer request from all of you! My mothers friend Patty just found out that her little granddaughter has a brain tumor. Would love it if you could petition the Father with me for healing! Believing that the tumor disappears and no chemo is needed.

    Her name is Izzey, thank you!
    sneefy, silver03 and Pia Thao like this.
  4. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    James 5:16(KJV)
    16:Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
  5. sneefy

    sneefy Well-Known Member

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    Happy Easter! He is Risen!
    Dan4914, tangledupinblu and klutz like this.
  6. klutz

    klutz Well-Known Member

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    Christ is risen indeed. Now let's figure out how to put aside our global differences and get along!
    Dan4914 and tangledupinblu like this.
  7. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Happy Resurrection Day! I sat in my seat during worship at service this morning holding my oldest daughter and just crying as i reflected on how good He is and how amazing my life has become since giving up myself. Grateful is an understatement!

    From death and fear, living in PTSD...to a dad of two and husband to an amazing wife with a beautiful home. He is so good!

    “It’s no longer i who lives, but Christ who lives within me!”
  8. BroCo

    BroCo Moderator Staff Member

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    Please pray for my Father. He was just placed in Hospice after a year long battle with liver, colon and brain cancer.

    thank you.
  9. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    My family is praying for your dad Steve. I will pass along to my church family as well.
    BroCo and silver03 like this.
  10. BroCo

    BroCo Moderator Staff Member

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    Thanks Josh!
    tangledupinblu likes this.
  11. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Happy rainy Tuesday! So, we had an amazing thing happen and I am wanting to share!

    Awhile back, when we were selling our home, our two year old Olivia fell about 4-5 feet straight down to the carpeted concrete floor below from our basement steps. She screamed in pain and we took her into Children’s Hospital. A nurse had come into the room after the X-rays had been taken and said that Olivia broke both of the bones in her arm just above the growth plate. Two doctors later came in and confirmed/relayed the same information. They told us to bring her back to the orthopedic doctor in 3 days...so we did. But while those three days went by, we prayed! We prayed for healing in Olivia’s arm and thanked and praised God for healing it and removing her pain. We knew that we could handle a broken arm and help her get through it, but we also knew that our God could heal her and that He IS a God of miracles!

    Three days later my wife took her into the orthopedic doctor and he pulls out the X-ray. Upon viewing it, he says, “there’s nothing there?” My wife asked him what he meant and he said that there are no broken bones and she must have just bruised it. He gave her a brace to wear for two weeks, but that only lasted about 3 days! Lol. She had had enough of that thing!

    I believe, with all of my heart that God healed her! I believe that He still works miracles, shows us prophetic visions, and works through us if we’re open to it. I believe that He is healing someone who is reading this right now! I believe that He is a Living, Breathing, Loving God who desires relationship with us. It’s ok to call me crazy!

    Does anyone else believe in miracles??

    Olivia the day of the accident...
    silver03, 06LGT, Bugeyejake and 3 others like this.
  12. 02subbieRS

    02subbieRS Well-Known Member

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    He is an awesome God for sure! Miracles still happen even if they may not be as apparent as we would like ;)
    tangledupinblu likes this.
  13. smoothgangsta

    smoothgangsta Well-Known Member

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    Josh -

    I totally believe in miracles, that's amazing...her story of healing. There is a lot to be grateful for in your story. I guess what I choose to takeaway from your story looking at my own life with my 3 kids is not the healing, but dealing with the situation. For instance, working on my patience with my kids, being gentle and kind, I know I struggle with a-lot of different walls in my own life that I am slowly having the Lord tear down. I know how frustrated I get at my kids when they get hurt, not because I am mad at them or don't love them, but because it grieves me and then I get upset over the situation, get impatient, short, etc.. I see how the Lord takes situations like that in my own life to use them to work on those areas of my life to do some serious work with my character…ultimately to make me more like Him.

    I guess I have a different take on the visions, prophecy, etc.,…so sorry if I am rambling. I think if you look at the historical context when the early Church was just starting and growing, many of those 'gifts of the Spirit' were very prevalent, I don't believe speaking in tongues is important, because unless you have someone there to interpret it means nothing, much less prophetic visions because we ultimately know how calamitous things are going to get.

    Many well known theologians like RC Sproul, John McArthur, etc. have commented on such, and if you look at the historical context many of those things (in the book of Acts) they were done by God to glorify Him first, then edify and build the early Church.

    As I said earlier, all the prophecy we need or visions about what is to come is ultimately laid out in the Bible and that is God's WORD and TRUTH, so what further prophecy do we need from men (just thinking out loud), and how do we know with 100% certainty anything anyone saw in a vision came from God (speaking for right now). My Dad is a big prophecy guy, and I love talking with Him. But when I look at the big picture...does it matter or should we be concerned about pre, mid, and post-tribulation, what state Israel and the Temple Mount is in?

    We should have sense or URGENCY in reaching others for Christ all the time! Our ultimate goal should be to continually de-populate Hell and view each day as if the Lord could come at any time or as if our own life would end because we are not promised tomorrow. If we love Jesus and love people on that horizontal line this should be our mission 24/7 until we die.

    Just my .02c for whatever it's worth...not much :)
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2019
    tangledupinblu and 02subbieRS like this.
  14. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    ^i hear that and agree! I believe the “prophetic” that i’m referring to is visions over people, churches, etc to edify them and Glorify God in it.

    For instance, I had a vision while I was mowing the yard and it was about a couple that I had met. I don’t know them well and what I know about them is minimum at best.

    First things first, I told them that God gave me the vision on August 5th. They got excited and said “that’s our anniversary!!” The vision was of them holding hands and standing together in white robes. Their heads had ornate gold crowns on them and as I looked at them they started to fill in with jewels. The “jewels” I heard the Lord say, were not for their “works”, but for their obedience to His voice. I waited three months while discerning when God would want me to deliver this message to them...and in the moment that I shared it with them, He hit me with REVELATION that brought me to such heavy tears that I could barely speak! I was one of the jewels in their crowns, because they were obedient to His voice and ministered over me in a tough time.

    It edified them and they felt Gods love and compassion in that moment. They felt the love of a brother who they had impacted in a positive way. And it edified me! I felt like, “the Father is so proud right now of His children”!

    It was an amazing experience and has happened multiple times since. Each one has felt like a step from Glory to Glory!

    Thanks for your 2 cents! I enjoyed it!
  15. smoothgangsta

    smoothgangsta Well-Known Member

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    Josh, that is an amazing story. I honestly have never had a "vision" like that where God has just put a dream in my head like that...at least none that I am aware of. Now if you want to talk about Him prompting my heart to do something I have felt that, very much so.

    I remember when I was real little, maybe 4-5 years old, and my Dad and I were sitting next to each another at my Grandfather's funeral (my Dad's dad), I remember years later when speaking with my Dad that he mentioned at some point during the funeral he had heard God's voice say "not many more shall die before I come again". My Dad told me laughingly that "well, there aren't that many left on our (his) side of the family". Now whether or not God really did speak to Him and only him in a discernible voice that nobody else heard I cannot say for sure. I don't believe he would lie to me, I just have no way to verify that, doesn't mean it didn't happen, I am just really cautious about people claiming "visions" and hearing voices because many times as you and I, or any believer should know, not everything is of the Lord.

    It's pretty hard to argue that what you received was from anything other than the Lord, based on "not works" comments, the timing, etc., so I would say it's very plausible God put that vision in your head-mind in that moment, whatever it looked like, so that what you had to say was encouraging to another brother and sister. Perhaps the Lord wanted them to know or affirm that what they are doing is pleasing and that their obedience is making an impact on another believer's life. After all, we are supposed to encourage and build each other up.

    Very neat story. Can you imagine the number of stories and interconnected relationships that are finally revealed to us when we stand in His glory and presence at the end of our lives? Good thing we will be in a glorified state, because I think it will be overwhelming as a great many others things once they are revealed. 1 Corinthians 13:12 (NIV)
    12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
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  16. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    That pretty much sums up what I felt He was trying to accomplish.

    I was at church another night and a woman was laying on the floor crying. I heard God say to me that “when she gets up, you should hug her.” I laughed a bit at that and said “what!?” But He just repeated what He said. So when the woman got on her feet, I walked up to her and said, “I know that you don’t know me, but I am supposed to give you a hug”. She broke down again even more so than before and I just held her for what felt like 10-15 minutes. She looked up at me with tear filled eyes and said “how did you know?”. I said, “ how did I know what?”, lol. She said that when she was crying on the floor, that she told God that she just wanted a hug from Him.

    God works through us and His voice is sometimes “still small”. But sometimes it’s loud and clear. In those moments, in all moments, I choose obedience to Him who has set me free!

    Also, I had a vision when I lived in Chicago and it was of my salvation. I then experienced the same exact vision as I said the sinners prayer in my parents living room 3 weeks later. As I was being set free and born again, my mother burst into joyful tears and she prayed fervently in tongues. Which I had never heard her do before! My mother never took another language class, she only knows English. When she started praying in tongues, I knew that I was really surrendering to a REAL God who is present and alive! It was confirmation that my choice was the correct one.:)
    TSTRBOY2004 likes this.
  17. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    I guess what i’m getting at is that I may have used the wrong words. Maybe “prophetic visions” aren’t the words that I should use, but rather, just a “vision”?

    They don’t really tell of “things to come”. They are more like “words of knowledge” I suppose?
  18. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Also...love, love, love!
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  19. sneefy

    sneefy Well-Known Member

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    Time to bump this one.

    God loves not only in this thread, but in this performance.
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  20. sneefy

    sneefy Well-Known Member

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    He is Risen!
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  21. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Stones are still being rolled away in lives today because He is!
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  22. OneGlanceMan

    OneGlanceMan Member

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    God is good! All the time!
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  23. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Amen! I love seeing this thread bumped!
  24. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Feel like this could use another bump. Been struggling with anger the last few days. Went on my knees before Him this morning and all is well! My heart took a sabbath rest in Him and it was NEEDED!
    If you are dealing with stress, anxiety, anger, fear...my recommendation is to lay it before Him and find rest in your soul! Praying for you all
    JaloP likes this.
  25. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Going to put this here. We’re not alone in the fire...

  26. klutz

    klutz Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for doing your part to put something good into the world!
    tangledupinblu likes this.
  27. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Glad to!

    I am called to share the gospel and make disciples. It is sometimes tough to share things because pride takes over. When pride is abolished, peace is the outcome!:thumbup:
  28. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Hahaha, just opened up YouVersion and the verse of the day...

    ““Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath,”
    ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:26‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
  29. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Bumpitty! I feel this way too when I hear this song!
  30. John16V

    John16V Well-Known Member

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    We are all called to share what Christ has done.
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  31. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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  32. silver03

    silver03 Well-Known Member

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    We The Kingdom - Holy Water (Live)
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  33. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Reading the "Jesus Storybook Bible" to my daughter Grace this evening. I don't know why, but this part wrecked me and I was fighting back tears as I read the rest. This is from the book...

    "If you really are the Son of God, you could just climb down off of that cross!" they said. And of course they were right. Jesus could have just climbed down. Actually, he could have just said a word and made it all stop. Like when he healed that little girl. And stilled the storm. And fed 5,000 people.
    But Jesus stayed.
    You see, they didn't understand. It wasn't the nails that kept Jesus there, it was Love.

    Wow! Eye opener!
    "It wasn't the nails that kept Jesus there", "It wasn't the nails that kept Jesus there", “It wasn't the nails that kept Jesus there"...IT WAS LOVE!

    Thank You Jesus for staying the course. Thank You my King for denying yourself to save me! Thank You for saving my brothers and sisters reading this as well! There truly is NO ONE like You and no thing that resides above You Lord. We are unworthy to speak Your Name. But God's grace has covered us, along with Your blood. We have righteousness within us because You dwell there. We bow before Your feet Jesus, You alone are worthy! You alone are Holy! Thank You for the gift of life!!!

    If you have children, I absolutely would recommend “The Jesus Storybook Bible”! I find myself fighting back tears through nearly every story, and the kids love reading it at bedtime. It has blessed me and is a great little “kids version” of the Word of God.

    4BDF2603-26A6-4722-9584-CD23908E838F.jpeg 5CDB754B-CFC0-414E-95E9-86A4B56983F6.jpeg
    JaloP likes this.
  34. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Also, I relate greatly to this song. Enjoy!

    John16V likes this.
  35. John16V

    John16V Well-Known Member

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    Jesus Christ you are my living hope...

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  36. sneefy

    sneefy Well-Known Member

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  37. JaloP

    JaloP Well-Known Member

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    I'm in the same boat. Ours is very well used. Lots of love and tape holding it together
    tangledupinblu likes this.
  38. silver03

    silver03 Well-Known Member

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    My 3 year run of being cancer-free has been interrupted by it rearing its ugly head once more due to the timing and the way it hit me a few years ago. Anyway, this time around the only viable option is surgery. It will happen sometime within the next 30 days and is quite involved (~10-hour procedure). I'm throwing this out there to maximize prayer coverage, unlike the last time where we kept it mostly to ourselves. Thank you in advance. -Rick&Kim
  39. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    You’ve been added to the list brother!
  40. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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  41. sneefy

    sneefy Well-Known Member

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    He is risen!
  42. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    He is risen indeed! The death of the grave!
  43. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Hello friends! Could I please get some rallying prayers alongside of me. My wife just called and said they are at the hospital. My 7 year old fell off of the monkey bars and landed on her arm, breaking it just above the elbow. They want to do surgery to insert pins. I love her and would do anything for her! So, please, join me in prayer that she will be at peace while dealing with this pain and discomfort. She has been shaking for nearly two hours and I want that to stop.

    Thanks guys/gals
    silver03 likes this.
  44. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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  45. sneefy

    sneefy Well-Known Member

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    Incoming, Josh!
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