God lives in this thread!*If you don't care for Him,don't open it!*;)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by tangledupinblu, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    How was the show!!? Wish that i could have made it.

    Verse of the day...

    Joshua 3:5- Sanctify yourselves [that is, seperate yourselves for a special holy purpose], for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.

    **Be bold in your faith and hold steady to your spiritual desires. If they are of Gods will you shall receive them and have an abundant life of joy. You just have to be willing to be patient and faithful that your prayers will be answered!

    Have a great day!
  2. k_thaosta

    k_thaosta Well-Known Member

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    The show was good!! Got an autographed cd out of it!!!
  3. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Nice! Were you one of the first 300? Really wish that i could have made this one! Hopefully there will be another opportunity to see them. Again, i appreciate you posting the info and ask that anytime you hear of anything else coming up that you post it up in here too!!
  4. k_thaosta

    k_thaosta Well-Known Member

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    No I wasn't but a buddy had saved me a spot in the third row!!! Also he got my CD autographed by them!! A couple of the pictures I took from my iphone...

    Attached Files:

  5. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    ^Nice! Glad that you had a good time and grabbed some autographs!

    Verse for Today...

    Proverbs 4:23- Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.

    **Remember that you have a divine destiny and don't let anything destroy or interrupt your joy. It can be easy to let something little affect your attitude and ruin your day. Everything happens for a reason and sometimes we need trials and tribulations in order to strengthen our faith and help us grow and mature. If something annoying or difficult happens to you today, just remember that you have victory and all that the issue is is a small speedbump in the road. But you'll drive through it and continue on your travels because He made the road for us long and everlasting...the speedbumps are trivial. Have a great Thursday!!
  6. TSTRBOY2004

    TSTRBOY2004 Well-Known Member

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    SO this morning I decided to crack open the bible (technically push a button on my phone and open the Olive Tree bible program) and whilst reading my plan, I read Genesis 2:5-6

    5 When no bush of the field[a] was yet in the land[b] and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up—for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground, 6 and a mist[c] was going up from the land and was watering the whole face of the ground—

    And it occurred to me that so often we as believers are told how God will bless you, your life will great.... adn non believers are fed a line of give your heart to God and all your problems will go away, your life will be changed yada yada.. we have all heard it or even said it... but while reading this passage I felt that God is a loving God, He is a God that wants good things for us, He wants us to prosper etc, but there is a rule to it all... Before it happens, there is a process.. there are steps that need to be followed...

    Previous to these 2 verses it is written that God had made every plant and shrub... it was done... they were already made... then a verse or so later we read that there wasnt anything visible yet, in fact God had not caused it to rain and water the seeds that were there....

    To me it is saying that God has already implanted in the very depths of who we are, the power to be what He wants us to be, the calling on our lives, the destiny He has set before us... but there is a process that must be followed before we see the net result of those things... like the shrubs etc that ALREADY exist but are yet unseen, so too within us is the potential for DESTINY but is yet unseen... the steps we must follow is to look to God and send up the praise He deserves.... Praise and prayer to God is like vapor rising to Heaven... by doing this it opens up the Heavens and causes God to POUR out upon us HIS power, Love and Grace (and all the other common words we use to make us feel good)... when we do this, something supernatural is released which causes LIFE to flow from the very depths of the earth (remember from the soil we came... the seeds were within the soil before it was watered)...

    Jeremiah 1:5 New International Version (NIV)
    5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew[a] you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

    Like the seed in the soil, so we are in the womb... set apart, destined....

    I encourage you all, if you want to see Gods faithfulness, blessings or whatever, then forget what you want and turn your eyes to Him... begin by praising Him in simple things, understanding that in good or bad you will choose to look to Him and lift your praises to Him... then you WILL SEE that His glory will be poured out upon your life...

    ok... Ill stop.. once I start its hard to stop writing as He continues to speak to me, impressing on me things He wants me to see, understand... maybe its just for me, but for as long as I have been a Christian the one thing I have realized is God is not a God of one thing for me another for you... He is a God of certainty.. If He reveals something to you, it can help others....

    be blessed...
  7. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Amen youth pastor Nate! That's what i think too. If you can't give Him praise and worship Him in your difficult times, how will you ever really be thankful and praise Him when He has blessed you? You need to shout about His love when you're sick, broken, and lonely. Show Him that when you're down you still put your faith in Him to bring you through it and thank Him for enshrouding you in His love through the storm(s). You will come out of it so much stronger than when you went into it!

    Every single human being is able to receive God and have a life of less stress and more joy...but they have to be willing to open their hearts and give their lives to God. He is in control of my life! I still ultimately have free will and the ability to make decisions, but after putting my trust in Him and His Word, He is my "map" and "tour guide" that helps me make decisions by showing me which ones are His will and which ones aren't. You never realise that you can be so happy with your life and how everything just rolls off your shoulders until you just take on the attitude that "It's in your hands Lord" and i'm not going to stress out about it. I can't even tell you how worried i'd be right now if i would have lost my job without Him being in my life. But since He is, it's no big deal! He has something better for me in store and i just need to be patient and wait for whatever it is that He has planned for me to reveal itself and then take that step of faith, no matter what it is! Because i know that if it is of God, that it can't be wrong!

    Verse of the day...

    Ephesians 4:23- And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude].

    I die daily(washed clean of yesterday and made new for today)...every single day i ask Him to forgive me of any wrongs that i've commited against Him and His will. (We all make mistakes) And because of Jesus sacrificing His own life for yours and mine, that blood washes any impurities from us and we are forgiven! Everyday we start with a clean slate when we repent of our wrongs. There is nothing quite like starting a day with a feeling of sheer joy and peace. And then having the opportunity to share it with others and see the smiles and happiness that it brings to the people that you come in contact with over the course of the day.

    Have a great day today and remember to smile...it will bring joy to others!
    TSTRBOY2004 likes this.
  8. k_thaosta

    k_thaosta Well-Known Member

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    Speaking of Genesis, here is something from my recent bible study that could be a hot topic to discuss. According to the NIV version, Genesis 1:1-2 goes like this:

    1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

    So, the topic is, what happened between the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth and then now all the sudden the earth was formless and empty? If you look at Genesis 3, the serpent who deceives Eve is Satan, is it not? So when did Satan get cast down to earth?
  9. TSTRBOY2004

    TSTRBOY2004 Well-Known Member

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    because our concept of time and Gods are 2 different things... God is OUTSIDE of time.. we live in the restrictions of time... if you dig deep 1 day could have been 1000 years... or something... but God had to put the element of time into being... thank Him for that... not sure if I could live in this world full of this many retards for 1000 yrs... 1000 yrs of mnsubaru tards would be sanity warping
  10. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Agreed. Not so much to the r-tard comment, lol, because we choose to come on this forum and read what we read. Not only that, but r-tards are not limited to the internets.:)

    And during the creation of life and Earth, Satan was still in heaven. It was after God created the tree of "Good and Evil" that i believe that God cast satan from heaven. Hence the evils existance. So Genesis 2:17 would technically be the day that satan was cast to earth where he then took the form of the serpant in my opinion. The actual serpants were created the 6th day Genesis 1:25, which some could argue was technically the day that Satan was cast down. But i disagree and believe that when he created the tree of "Good and Evil", Satan was then with them. Because He said that when He created all of the beasts of the Earth in Genesis 1:25, it was written that "God saw that it was good". I don't believe that he would call Satan the serpant "good" by any means. Also, the first biblical reference to "Evil", was of the tree.

    \/...Just a quick refresher for those interested...\/

    1st day-God created Light and Darkness.
    2nd day-God created the firmanent which became the heavens(universe, space)
    3rd day-God created Earth and the Seas and vegetation.
    4th day- God created the Sun, Moon, and stars.
    5th day-God created fowl and beasts/animals of the seas.
    6th day-God created beasts of the Earth/dry land...cattle, serpants, and mankind.
    7th day-God took rest from His works.
  11. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Todays verse...

    Philippians 4:5- Let ALL men know and perceive and recognize your unselfishness (your considerateness, your forbearing spirit).

    **I can't stress enough in this day and age on how important it is to share yourself and your faith by performing good deeds for others thoughout the week! It is a testament of our walk with God and it is also in his Word to treat others as we would want to be treated ourselves. If you want to really feel joy, make it an effort to do something nice for someone everyday of your life. Even the smallest little thing can change a persons day, week, month, or year! And we get a great return on our investment...God's love, grace, and everlasting life!! Have a great day and week!
  12. k_thaosta

    k_thaosta Well-Known Member

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    That is a pretty interesting concept of God and of time. Then of that, there is neither past, present, nor future even now. There is no time. It is only simply a matter to us because time was invented not a creation of God.
  13. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    He definitely doesn't see time as we do! When it says on the first day He created Light and Darkness, it could have been 1 day, 100 days, or 1000 days. Only He knows! When you think in the aspect of eternal life, time has no boundaries.
  14. TSTRBOY2004

    TSTRBOY2004 Well-Known Member

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    NO.. God created time so there was a time for His plan to unfold for redemption... thank sin for that... if there was no time, then we would be always stuck in our sinful ways. Gods plan wasnt for man to live 1000yrs or 1oo, but forever in communion with Him.. then Eve bit the apple and it went downhill from there.... there has to be a concept of time so that His plan will unfold so we can be restored to Him in everlasting communion in His presence...

    I may not be explaining it well but A.R. Bernard spoke at Hillsong about 15yrs back and presented this whole thing.. it was amazing.... Ill see if I can track down his message sometime
  15. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    I've done alot of digging on the "Satan on Earth" deal and can't come up with a specific time, no suprise.lol. So, I still see it as the first sign of "Satan on Earth" was the first representation of evil on Earth-the tree of good and evil and the serpant. All of the other verses that i could find were speaking of the casting down of Satan and his angels...Genesis 3:14&15, Zechariah 3:1, Revelations 12:9...couldn't find much else. I know there's more tho...but probably nothing that really explains the time frame that he arrived here.
  16. k_thaosta

    k_thaosta Well-Known Member

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    Interesting, let us know what you find. I would also like to see it.

    I too have done some digging and haven't found a time frame of when Satan was cast down to earth. If the serpent who deceives the woman is Satan, then it had to be before God's creation of man in His image. There is only the reference in the book of Job when God gathers his angels and Satan is there too and Satan says he roams earth to and from, Job 1:6.
  17. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Or maybe when the serpent tempted Eve, he was still an angel that was presenting himself as the serpent. He could have still been in heaven at the time since angels, like demons, are among us on earth? We know that Satan has an overinflated ego and has wanted God's creation to fail since the beginning. Probably because of his jealousy towards us since God was giving us more attention than him. Like an older brother when a newborn brother is added to the family.
  18. k_thaosta

    k_thaosta Well-Known Member

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    The jealousy was created because Lucifer was too proud and thought he was better than God but he could not be God, and then even more so jealous, as I understand it, because God loves humans more than the angels.
  19. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    :D Agreed.
    k_thaosta likes this.
  20. TSTRBOY2004

    TSTRBOY2004 Well-Known Member

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    woot woot... PLanet SHakers concert tonight at Celebration Church Lakeville.... takes me back to the motherland and youth group concerts... yeee haawww
    k_thaosta likes this.
  21. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    ^How was it!? I've been enjoying the membership classes too much to skip out and go to it. I'm glad that i did too because lastnight was the best night all week! Pretty exciting watching 40/50 people receive the Holy Ghost(prayer tongues)! I stayed late to pray over them while they received it and it was well worth it:D

    Todays verse...

    1 Corintians 14:2- For he that speaks in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.

    ***Prayer tongues are a gift from God of the Holy Spirit that are available to ALL of His children! If you haven't received them in your spiritual walk yet, pray for it and you shall receive it! I've always thought that tongues were only for some and not for all, but after re-reading the book of Acts i came to find that ALL of us are to receive it so that we can speak directly to God and have a barrier between our prayers and Satans ears. Tongues keep Satan from hearing Gods plans for the world and our lives. It's an amazing feeling to go your entire life speaking only english, and then in the blink of an eye to have another language come forth from your lips!! Speaking in Gods language truly recharges your spirit and furthers an already amazing connection with our Father.

    I thoought that this was a very interesting article about the sceince behind it...enjoy!

    Have a great and blessed day!!
  22. TSTRBOY2004

    TSTRBOY2004 Well-Known Member

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  23. TSTRBOY2004

    TSTRBOY2004 Well-Known Member

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  24. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Nice!! Wish that it would have been a different Wednesday so that i could have made it.

    Todays verse...

    Job 19:25- I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth.

    ***Job was one of the great stories of the Old Testament. He walked upright and justly in God's word and love. Although he didn't have the advantage of having the Holy Spirit, the Blood of Christ's great sacrifice, or even a bible for that matter...he still put his faith in God and walked in light. If you want to learn about TRUE suffering, read the book of Job and see just how good we have it today. His loss was greater than most any other man. Give thanks that we today have the Blood Covenant and the Holy Spirit within us! It gives us a great advantage over the enemy and his wicked ways!! God Bless and have a great week!!!:D
  25. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Hope that everyones having a great week...hard to have a bad week with the record breaking temps! FWIW...i still want the snow back. lol:p
    Todays verse...

    Romans 12:1- I APPEAL to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of ALL the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties]...

    **We must offer up our entire selves to God and ask Him to forgive us and take the lead role of our lives to conquer this world and the daily difficulties that it throws our way. Mind, Body, and Spirit. By giving everything to Him, we show a genuine sacrifice and let Him know that we truly want all that He's prepared for us. Without His guidance, everyday is a crap shoot...never really knowing if we'll survive the circumstances of this world or not. But with His guidance, we know that we can not only survive every circumstance that is thrown our way, but also overcome them and be exceedingly victorious over every hurdle. God bless every single one of you...believer and nonbeliever the same, you're in my prayers and i wish Gods very best over you and your families! Have a wonderful day and enjoy the beautiful weather that He's provided us!
  26. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Sunday's verse...

    Proverbs 15:15- All the days of the desponding and afflicted are made evil [by anxious thoughts and forebodings], but he that has a glad heart has a continual feast [regardless of circumstances].

    ** "Where the mind goes, the man follows". In other words, positive thoughts are precursors to a positive life! On the other hand, anxious thoughts and negative expectations set us up for miserable lives. Learning how to think correctly is mandatory for every aspect of health. Make it a priority to learn to think upbeat, healthy thoughts that agree with God's Word. Don't let negative thoughts lead you into an unhappy life!! Instead choose positive thoughts that will strenghten and encourage you and lead to a life of joy, peace, and victory! So if you're challenged today by negativity...force yourself to turn your attitude towards positivity and self encouragement, and do so in God's name. **

    If you woke up this morning and are still breathing...you're already having a blessed day! Get out there and enjoy the sunshine!:)
  27. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    We've cracked the 2000 views mark in just a few months on this thread, thank God for that! I'm faithful in the fact that it's been helpful, if it has to even one person, then it has served it's purpose!

    Tuesdays verse...

    Matthew 18:1/4- 18:1- At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, "Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" 18:2-Then Jesus called a little child to Him. set him in the midst of them, 18:3- and said, "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." 18:4- "Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

    **I remember the day of my salvation in 2001 like it was yesterday. I had back issues that i went to physical therapy for three times a week, pain in my heart from a recent split with my fiancee, and a feeling of total failure in my spirit. When i asked Him into my heart that day it was like a high powered vacuum sucked every ounce of physical and spiritual pain that i felt to the center of my chest near my heart, and with one large explosive moment it all left me. I opened my eyes and it felt as if i was looking out at the world for the very first time, like a newborn child. "Born Again" is truly the most perfect explanation/term for it! Everything was crisp and vibrant...colors were brighter and more beautiful than i had ever remembered. And the peace you feel inside yourself is so amazing! As if the slate has been completely wiped clean and it's a second chance...an opportunity to go forward with the intent of being the best person you can possibly be. You become a child again in His presence. Thank you Jesus for that moment of clarity and the happiness that you've brought to my life over the following years.**

    Have a great day!
    k_thaosta likes this.
  28. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Happy humpday!

    Isaiah 60:1- ARISE [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you-rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!

    ** Todays verse is a true confidence builder and good news to all of us! Your depression, anger, lack of patience, pain, and suffering have been taken from you and are no longer yours to bear! Trying times will always come and go in life, but you don't have to focus on them and let them infect your joy. I highlighted and underlined (has come) and (has risen upon you) because IT IS DONE! Not because "it will be done" or "someday it will happen"...but because it HAS. We all have the blood of Christ to wash away the nonsense of life and cover us in joy. We all have patience, peace, and understanding looking through His eyes. There is no good reason for you to go another day feeling defeated if you put ALL things, good or bad, into His hands!

    So do yourself a favor today, thank God for the air that you breathe and rejoice in the fact that your life is far from insignificant...YOU have royal blood flowing through your veins and are strong enough to take on ANYTHING that this life can throw at you if you put it in His hands! Today is a beautiful day, act like it;)
    k_thaosta likes this.
  29. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    "You are what you think!" Taken from Joyce Meyers daily devotional-Love Out Loud

    Philippians 4:8- For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].

    ** We are what we think! What we think about truly determines our character, our emotions, our attitudes, and our decisions. Our thinking has a direct impact on our lives! Today's scripture is so important because it tells us exactly the kinds of things we need to think about. The verse encourages us to think in the most positive ways and to "fix [our] minds" on the virtues it mentions. This means we are not to allow our minds to be easily distracted from them. God wants us to discipline ourselves to think right thoughts- He knows that right thinking is one of the best ways that we can love ourselves and others!

    So love yourselves today...think happy thoughts and be a happy person! It will be infectious to those that you come in contact with! Have a great day :D

    Also... http://www.joycemeyer.org/events/GenericEvent.aspx?event=minneapolis2012
  30. derp

    derp Well-Known Member

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    god trolls 4chan:

  31. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    ^LOLOL-God is real!
    Todays verse is another page taken from Joyce Meyers Daily Devotional, Love Out Loud...enjoy!

    "You can't take it with you!"

    1 Timothy 6:7- For we brought nothing into the world, and obviously, we cannot take anything out of this world.

    **Things in themselves are not evil, but they can become so if they lure us away from our Godly priorities! 1 Timothy 6:10 says: "For the love of money is the root of all evils; it is through this craving that some have been led astray and have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves through with many acute [mental] pangs." God wants His children to be blessed! He wants us to have nice things and He delights "in the prosperity of His servant" (Psalms 35:27). But, as our verse for today teaches us, we came into the world emtpy-handed and when we leave it, we can't take anything with us.

    The more that we use our resources to bless others, the more God will bless us. His Word promises: "Give, and [gifts] will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will they pour into [the pouch formed by] your bosom [of your robe and used as a bag]. For with measure you deal out [with the measures you use when you confer benefits on others], it will be measured back to you" (Luke 6:38)

    So my Suby brothers and sisters, think of your giving more like a loan with interest! Because God will not only replenish what you have given, but he will give you over and abundantly(which is the interest on your loan/good deed!) My car is just a car, although i enjoy it, i won't be able to do WOT pulls on the streets of gold in the kingdom of heaven.:uhhuh: Have a great and blessed day!
  32. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Happy Humpday...

    1 Corinthians 13:1&2- Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 13:2- And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

    **These verses teach us that the most important gift that God provides us of all gifts, is love. Love for ourselves, our families, our friends, and also our enemies. Without love, all of these other things are useless and insignificant. Have you had an issue lately with someone trying your patience or pushing your buttons? It's a test of your/our strength in order to make us stronger! Everytime we are tested and overcome the situation by showing patience and love, we are truly empowered with a double portion of love that radiates inside of us.

    Next time you're feeling like gossiping about someone(a friend, a spouse, an enemy), gossip about how good they are instead of how much they annoy you or drive you nuts. So many people that I have met get upset with their spouses and talk negatively about how they do things that bother them. How about we try focusing on and talking about the good things they do and the actions they take to make us happy? If we don't have something positive to say about them, then why are we with them? It's easy to overlook the good qualities of someone you love when you're with them...and then the minute you split up or get divorced, you sit there and remember all of the good parts of the relationship that you miss. Focus on the good parts NOW while you're together! Put the negative thoughts away and understand that you could always be single, lonely, and depressed. It could always be worse! Also, don't let your bad day ruin their good day!!

    Show someone love today...it really is easy to do and costs us nothing! And the REWARD IS GREAT! I love you all, have a positive blessed day!
  33. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Todays verse plays a bit off of yesterdays.

    Leviticus 19:18- ...You shall love your neighbor as yourself...
    Here's a list of ideas that are relatively simple that we all can do if we are willing.

    -Watch over one another.
    -Pray for one another.
    -Look for kindnesses we can express to others.
    -Be friendly and hospitable.
    -Be patient with one another.
    -Bear with others' faults and weaknesses.
    -Give others the benefit of the doubt.
    -Encourage one another.
    -Be loyal to one another.
    -Be happy for people when they are blessed.
    -Keep peoples secrets and don't tell their faults.
    -Believe the best of one another.

    Any of these things listed above are easy to do and will bless those that you practice them on! Choose a couple of them and focus on them when you come in contact with someone. They will also bless you since nothing pleases God more than us loving eachother! Get a blessing today by blessing someone else!
  34. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Friday friday fri-day!

    Philippians 3:13-14- I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and made it my own [yet]; but one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward.

    **Stop looking backwards at the wrong things that you've done, people you've hurt or let down, and mistakes that you've made. We could all sit around and focus on these things and stay depressed for our entire lives. Focusing on these sort of things is like tying an anchor to our spirits. Begin each day anew, look forward and not backwards....begin to focus on all of the right decisions that you're going to make and all of the smiles that you are going to provide for people in need of a little 'son'shine in their lives. You can be that provider, Christ made it so! We are a bridge between Jesus and people in need of love. He uses us that are open to be used. Be a life changer!!

    Today is the day that the Lord has made, we should rejoice and be exceedingly glad! Have a great day and weekend!!
  35. idget

    idget Want to pokéman? PM ShortytheFirefighter Staff Member

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    What if I look back at all the people I've hurt and the mistakes I've made and that makes me smile? ;)

    I'll throw in another selfish prayer request. My mother's treatment and surgeries went ok. Not as seamless as we had hoped, but she's healthy. So she's due for another round of radiation treatment. Any thoughts and prayers much appreciated!
  36. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Well with an attitude like that...lol. You're mother has never left my prayers as of yet...but i'll push her up to the front of the list! It'll only cost you help with the new silicone throttlebody coupler. :D I kid. Prayerz iz free!
  37. idget

    idget Want to pokéman? PM ShortytheFirefighter Staff Member

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    Oh, speaking of which, cleaned the garage a little yesterday and I found a spare one that's a good 2" longer than stock. If you haven't bought one yet you can have that one. Thanks for the discount prayers!
  38. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Well i went to MAP, they didn't have anything useful. So then i went to Morries and ordered and payed for an OEM STi one which is waiting for me to come pick it up. Maybe if the new one is still lacking, i could try the one that you have?

    You have a lifelong running discount with my prayer account...as does anyone else that needs or wants it! You're special, but not THAT special. ;)
  39. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Romans 14:19- So let us then definitely aim for and eagerly pursue what makes for harmony and for mutual upbuilding (edification and development) of one another.

    **Become an aggressive encourager! So many people focus so hard on the wrong things going on in their lives, that they don't get a chance to enjoy the positive things around them or the people that love them. It's easy to get caught up in our everyday lives so much that good things pass right by us without us even noticing. Dwelling on anything negative for too long gives it more power than it deserves! If you want happiness and to get past the negatives quickly, you have to force the positive thoughts to the front of your mind and keep focus on them. Speak out positive things (talk to yourself) over your life! You believe yourself and your own words more than any other that you hear. Our words are powerful! Speaking positive over our lives creates a new attitude and perspective. It is pretty rare that any of us are really that bad off.

    Think about and be thankful for the things that YOU DO HAVE, or the things that ARE GOING RIGHT in your life! There are people being molested, starved, dying from uncurable diseases, etc. YOU are blessed! If you wake up healthy...blessed! If you have food in front of you...blessed! If you have $5 in your pocket...blessed! You get the idea, change your perspective! Life is short, spend your time on this earth enjoying the things that you do have and focus less on the things that you don't.:D Changing your perspective to a positive one will encourage others to do the same! Have a BLESSED day!
  40. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Sorry for the short absence...:angel:

    Ecclesiastes 5:18- Behold, what I have seen to be good and fitting is for one to eat and drink, and to find enjoyment in all the labor in which he labors under the sun all the days which God gives him-for this is his [alotted] part.

    **This phrase from Ecclesiastes is one that we should all read and take to heart! The simple fact is, none of us are pomised a tomorrow. We could go to sleep tonight and never wake up again...we could be driving to work tomorrow and get into an accident that takes us from this earth forever in the blink of an eye. Most days that we wake up and go to work, it's such a routine and we just wish that we could stay home and do nothing. Or we are grouchy and complain about something at work or how we hate our jobs. We could get layed off or lose our jobs tomorrow and then we'd probably complain about that.

    But we should be thankful for our health, our jobs, and the financial freedom that they provide to us. The majority of us are blessed so much more than others and we tend to forget that on a daily basis. Everyday that you wake up...be thankful! Everyday that you have a job...be thankful! Everyday that you can eat a meal...be thankful! Everyday that you go WOT in your Subaru...be thankful! Our lives could always be worse, so give thanks and be greatful for the things that you do have everyday!! Change your perspective, be thankful that you're alive.

    God Bless and have a great Friday!
  41. John16V

    John16V Well-Known Member

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    Where have I been all this time. ;)

    Is a blessing to see other Christ loving follower on here.
  42. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    You been in hiding!!? You need to get out to one of these upcoming events brotha! Firestone, Lake Calhoun, LaxCruise...don't be such a stranger.
  43. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Galatians 6:1- Brethren, If any person is overtaken in misconduct or sin of any sort, you who are spiritual [who are responsive to and controlled by the Spirit] should set him right and restore and reinstate him, without any sense of superiority and with all gentleness keeping an attentive eye on yourself, less you should be tempted also.

    **When someone that you know is going through something and are in need of spiritual direction, remember that we are ALL on the same level playing field! Just because i'm a Christian and a man of faith, that doesn't make me better than anyone else. It just means that I am driven to help that person and be a positive influence on the steps they take to getting over/through their situation. Remember to be humble! We are ALL sinners and have ALL made mistakes...people don't need someone to tell them that they messed up or failed at something (trust me, we already know when we fail without reminders from others), they need someone to help pick them up and lift their spirits! Let the Holy Spirit work through you to heal that person and make their burdens lighter and easier for them to right their wrongs and get back on track.

    It's easy to point fingers and bring a person down even lower, but it's God's will for us to help lift them up and restore joy into their lives during hard times and shortcomings. Put a smile on a friends face that feel like they let everyone down. We all fall down sometimes, but there is reward in getting up and dusting ourselves off! Make an effort to lift someone up this weekend...and remember to be humble while doing so, you have been in their shoes before and you are by no means better than them.

    God bless and have a great Easter weekend!!
  44. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Happy Resurrection Day!

    Matthew 28:2-7- And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat on it. 28:3- His countenance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow. 28:4- And the guards shook with fear of him, and became like dead men. 28:5- But the angel answered and said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified." 28:6- "He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay." 28:7- "And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold, I have told you."

    **Christmas and Easter Sunday are the two most significant days of the year for Christians. Christmas celebrated the birth of Jesus of the flesh, Easter celebrates the birth of His spirit through the resurrection. I can't even fathom where i would be today in my life if He wouldn't have revealed Himself to me so that i too could be resurrected in the spirit. The day that i asked Him into my life, i died inside to all of my past, and was born again/resurrected to a new world. Not a new world to the world, but a new world to me. Life has never been the same since, and i couldn't be more greatful for the opportunity to not only change my life, but through Him, to have the opportunity to change others too! There is a Joy...a Peace that comes over you inside that i just can't put into words, you truly have to experience it yourself!

    God Bless all of you, today is a beautiful day in which i am greatful to be alive and to be able to share with you. As always, if you need prayers for yourself or for family/friends/loved ones, just let us know in here or send me a private message. We'd love to pray with/for you!! It's amazing to serve a God who lives!! :D
  45. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Romans 8:28- We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together for and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.

    **It's true! Nothing in this world is a coincidence, i've stated it many times throughout this thread, and will do so many more times in the future! I'll share a little tidbit/testimony from the past couple of weeks in my life.

    I was planning on attending the "Healing Service" Monday night at church a couple of weeks ago as i usually do. I got a text from Rick, (who is also a member on here), and he stated in the text that i should come to the Faith Based Job Search that was at the same time. I love my friends at the Healing Service and was looking forward to it, but since Rick had sent me the text about the job search, i stepped out in faith and went to that instead. Most of the people that attended are into IT stuff and health care, which is far from my field of expertise. But after the class i had a woman come up to me that has a husband that's in construction and in need of help.:D After talking with him on the phone, i am meeting him this coming week to talk to him in person about filling the spot! I've been in need of a job since about November of last year, and now because i had faith in there being "no such thing as coincidence", i have the opportunity to have one. Thank you Rick for listening to God's instruction and sending me that text!

    I am greatful for every moment that He shows me His grace and blessings. Luck and coincidence are of man, but as Romans 8:28 stated above, "...all things work together for and are [fitting into a plan]..." Thank you God for allowing us to be a part of Your plan!!

    It's going to be a great weekend, i know that God has blessings for you too!;)