God lives in this thread!*If you don't care for Him,don't open it!*;)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by tangledupinblu, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    You're welcome! He lead me to post this thread, I just listened and acted on it! I will no longer live with my faith and beliefs in the shadows. This thread was in fact designed to help people and lift them up! The world has enough negative in it without us adding more to it.;)

    Wow...that IS perspective! Thanks for sharing brother Rick!!!

    Couldn't have said it better myself mang! I swear that Gods name comes out of our mouths more when we are hurt, dissapointed, and angry. If we took the same amount of time to give Him praise for the "GOOD" that he's done in our everyday lives, our lives would be even greater!

    I haven't had a solid job since my work accident back in Oct of 2011(after 10 years with the same company). But i am greatful everday for the health that He's blessed me with, the love my friends and family, and a beautiful woman that utilizes her faith to help me when i am weak.

    Despite the negatives...if you count them up, we all have more positives in our lives than we think! But if you FOCUS on the negatives, you give them power. And i don't know about you, but i'm sick of letting the negatives overshadow my life!!! God IS good-all of the time, all of the time-God IS good!
  2. mnstilynwrx

    mnstilynwrx Well-Known Member

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    Despite the negatives...if you count them up, we all have more positives in our lives than we think! But if you FOCUS on the negatives, you give them power.

    That right there is so amazingly true! You would be surprised how good life is and how great your life is when you focus on the positive things and allow God to work with you.
    tangledupinblu likes this.
  3. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    For sure! Probably one of the most notable changes that he's provided me with is PATIENCE. It's amazing how much easier my life has become with the gift of patience. As stated, He's good all of the time!

    I know that this thread has helped people over the past year, and that WAS the intention. We are a community/family here, we need to have eachother's backs! Times get difficult for all of us. It's not easy to deal with the 'tough' times, but for some people it's tough to handle the 'good' times as well. We all need to handle the 'good' times better!!! We need to appreciate them while they're present in our lives. Give thanks!!!
  4. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    No work, no moar unemployment:eek: ...still happy, happy, happy! Despite the hard times that i've been facing recently, God is still working in my life everyday so i have no complaints! Something good is on it's way!!!

    Psalm 28:7- The Lord is my strength and shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I will praise Him.

    ***Praising God can break the power of fear and help us to get rid of doubt and unbelief. Even when your life seems to be out of control and you see now way of getting through the difficulties that you face, God opens doors and provides us with stability in all of the craziness. When you stand on the rock, it's amazing how strong your footing is! I give God praise for blessing you today! Have a great day and keep focusing on the positives!
    mnstilynwrx likes this.
  5. capslo

    capslo Member

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    Hey Josh - Found this thread. We are pretty active in church life but I'm not as bold in my faith as I should be to others outside of church and home. I'm glad you found the boldness to start and maintain this thread here!
  6. silver03

    silver03 Well-Known Member

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    Josh, lets hear about the new job brother!
  7. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    I'm glad that you enjoy it! It's always tough to be open to others outside of church. I usually let God open the door for the conversation, and then roll with it! Just ask when you pray for Him to openn some doors between you and others, He'll provide the way! Welcome to the forum Dan!
    Well, as discussed above...i have been dealing with no work and my unenjoyment ran out on me a few weeks ago. I met a guy that is dating my girlfriend's friend from church. I interviewed with him on Friday of last week, was hired on the spot and filled out my paperwork. Then started on Saturday! I'm being trained in as a Manager and it's exactly the kind of "step up the corporate ladder" that i've been standing in faith on!! God has really been blessing me over the past year!

    Every time i feel like i'm being bombarded with misfortune, i keep a smile on my face and love in my heart...He provides the rest!!! God is good, all the time:D

    If anyone here has a problem with bursting pipes this winter/flood damage/fire damage, give us a call! http://rapidrestorationmn.com/
    TSTRBOY2004, mnstilynwrx and BroCo like this.
  8. Subie Lovers

    Subie Lovers Well-Known Member

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    Glad you found a more steady thing Josh... I know that sense I have found my higher power things I have begun to see things differently...

    ***Edit*** I posted a video earlier that I thought was funny but after reading back a few posts I felt the humor maybe more appropriate in a different thread...

    Last edited: Feb 13, 2013
  9. silver03

    silver03 Well-Known Member

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    Shameless plug here-Carcare ministry, join Rick and Josh and our team doing basic auto repairs for senior citizens and single moms, most with limited means. Third Saturday morning of every month in Brooklyn Park. Come make a difference in an area you obviously have an interest in since youre on this forum:)
    Subie Lovers likes this.
  10. capslo

    capslo Member

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    Wow, that's really a great idea. Where can I get more details? Who funds this?
  11. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Getting ready for CarCare now! Dan, if you have interest in joining us in the future, pm myself or Rick(silver03) for more info! It's a true blessing to be able to help others with our abilities of dabbling in car mechanics. And it really helps those in need of work done that can't afford it otherwise.

    Have a blessed day and a great weekend!
  12. capslo

    capslo Member

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    I have Rick's number and will give him a call.
    tangledupinblu likes this.
  13. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Happy Sunday everyone!

    2 Corinthians 9:13- Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.

    ***There is no better way to be a living witness of the love that Jesus has provided us than being joyful before others! Joy is infectious and who doesn't want to be happy ALL of the time!? When people see you smiling and happy everytime that they see you, they can't help but wonder "why are they ALWAYS so positive and happy?" This is one of the ways that God opens the door for us to share Christs' love in our lives with others. When someone that is a non-believer feels that portrayal of positive outlook on life, it makes them inquisitive as to 'why?'! Remember that no matter how difficult your day is, that YOU ARE a child of the most high God and that there is NOTHING on this earth that could ever be so bad that it should steal that joy from you!! When your joy is overflowing, others will want it! We all have gone through the "I want to be able to talk more openly about my faith with my friends and family, but i don't want to 'force' my beliefs on them, how do i go about it?" moment. If you want to be able to share openly, this a one way that works very well!

    Be joyful always and let your joy become infectious to others around you in your daily walk with God!!!

    God bless, have a great day and week!!
  14. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Prayer request bump!

    My grandmother recently passed away and my mother has been dealing with some issues pertaining to it. I ask you all to lift her up in prayer to help her through!

    My grandma lived a long, happy life of nearly 96 years and has left behind on this earth a legacy of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. She was baptised at 95 years old last spring, shortly after my baptism, and there was no greater joy for me than being there to witness it. She was an amazingly strong woman and will be greatly missed! Thank you all for your prayers and God Bless!

    A video that i'd like to share with you all from a new artist(to me):)
  15. capslo

    capslo Member

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    Sending your way.

    Rick - I haven't called you about your car repair ministry because my schedule has changed on Saturday with the kids...
  16. bovaddict

    bovaddict Well-Known Member

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    Josh, love this thread man! Stoked to know it keeps going! Keep it up!
  17. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Just wanted to share another blessing that God has provided me with! So back in the summer/fall of 2012, i was taking a 13 week class at Woodland Hills church in Maplewood called "EMDC-Exploring Missional Discipleship Community". It was an amazing class that opened my eyes to the "spiritual gifts" that God provides each of us with! It really helped me understand my spritual personality and how it can reach and comfort others. Very empowering!

    This led to me becoming part of Sojourners community, which is a housechurch driven group that exists for increasing our faith to enable us to reach out to others more confidently. It has been an amazing experience and God has truly moved in my life even more. It is so refreshing to be able to bring your victories to the group and also be surrounded by their love and support in your shortcomings and or needs/desires. This community has allowed me to be myself and grow even more into what Christ and our Father has designed me to be! If you can't tell...i'm excited! Lolol.

    Just wanted to share with you a bit of the goodness and fulfillment that it's provided me with and also to give God praise and thanks for introducing me to an opportunity for my personnal spiritual growth!!! God is good, all of the time! :)

    Have a blessed week!
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2013
  18. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Bump for God!

    2 Corinthians 12:9-"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefore most gladly i will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 12:10- Therefore i take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distress, for Christ's sake. For when i am weak, then i am strong.

    ***It's so true, when we humble ourselves, witness, and take hold of the areas of life that we lack strength in, it allows us to gain strength in those areas! And if we lacked nothing, we wouldn't need God's grace and love. I for one need His grace, understanding, love, and His faithfulness in my life! With hopes that everyday i will become an even stronger person that people respect and love. Also hoping that my words and choices are inspirational and uplifting to others, allowing God's glory to reach others' lives through me! God is good, all of the time!!! ;)

    I hope all of you have been well! God bless and have a GREAT week!
  19. mnstilynwrx

    mnstilynwrx Well-Known Member

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    I would like to share that I recently started going back to church. Normally I would attend bedside baptist or church of the inner springs and just had no desire to go when Sunday morning rolled around... Haha.
    That all changed a few weeks ago when I attended the Easter Service. After going for a few weeks now, I feel like I am coming closer to God again. I forgot just how refreshing church and the people there can be for your spiritual journey. If anyone hasn't gone in a while I encourage you to go next week. You never know what God might do while you are there.
    Just thought I would share.
    tangledupinblu likes this.
  20. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Praise God, that's great brotha! I stopped going for nearly 10 years. Now i go a couple of times per week! I call it "recharging my spiritual batteries", lol. It's good to surround ourselves with some "positive" in this world full of negative!

    And nowadays there are multiple service times which is encouraging for the mornings i don't feel like getting out of bed. ;)
  21. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    So it's been awhile since i've bumped this thread! But I want you to know that it's not because God has taken a vacation on me, in fact, He has done just the opposite! I'm still seeing continuous blessings everyday, from the little ones to the BIG ones!(it's extremely important to recognize both ya know!)

    So, on to a BIG one...:D Our heavenly father has blessed me with an amazing woman in my life, and I have asked her to marry me!(She said Yes, lol) Her name is Vanessa and I hope to introduce her to you guys/gals at some of the upcoming events, including the LaXCruise. I just wanted to share the good news with my brothers, sisters, and friends on here as you are all part of my family and I love you! I'm gettin' murried!!:frantic:

    God Bless!!!
  22. silver03

    silver03 Well-Known Member

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    Does Vanessa know what she's getting into?
    02subbieRS likes this.
  23. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Obviously not!!
    pbedroske likes this.
  24. Tash

    Tash Well-Known Member

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    Good idea not to bring her around till your married, less leg humping from others.
  25. 02subbieRS

    02subbieRS Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for bringing me back here Josh! :) Congrats and it's been too long. Y'all need to come out to some Wednesday Sonic meets if you guys can. I miss you guys!
  26. John16V

    John16V Well-Known Member

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  27. sneefy

    sneefy Well-Known Member

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    Dude! Congrats, man!
  28. kickin_81

    kickin_81 Well-Known Member

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    Congrats, Josh! I hope God blesses you with children some day.

    In my days of going to church, it's not so easy for me to go through the bible page by page but what I have learned from the songs I have sung, the goodness in people and the experiences I have heard from those close to me that God is truly in each of us.
  29. capslo

    capslo Member

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    Congratulations! Great news.
  30. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Thanks everyone, I'm super excited! I've been patient for many years, i'm no spring chicken you know!?(physically anyways)lol
  31. ryjacobs

    ryjacobs Well-Known Member

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    Congrats Josh!
  32. derp

    derp Well-Known Member

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    Wait, what the sh!t?! How much are you paying her?! :p

    CONGRATS Buddy! After almost 1 year, I can promise that it's quite the journey, but well worth it!
  33. pbedroske

    pbedroske Well-Known Member

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    Wow, Josh! That is big news, congrats!
  34. silver03

    silver03 Well-Known Member

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    So, I have been thinking on "cast your cares unto the Lord" lately. What was revealed to me was the way we (I) cast things. When you cast a lure, there's still a line attached (ideally) back to you, when you cast a net, there's a rope attached to retrieve it, when you cast a life ring, there's a rope back to you. I need to cut the rope once cast, because I tend to reel the "cares" back when I should not. Anyone else?
  35. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Oooooo, nice Mr. Rick! It should be more like throwing a stone into a lake...just let it fly!!
  36. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    2nd Corinthians 12:8-10
    8-Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me.
    9-And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
    10-Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

    ^This has become the verse of my healing!

    So i've been super busy with work, side jobs, wedding planning, first time home purchasing, church/housechurch, trying to find a shell to swap ol' Blu into...the lot!
    Whew! That being said, i've been receiving one blessing after another and can't help but to give God some PRAISE this morning!

    To think that a little over a year ago i went from bound to my apartment suffering from severe PTSD and had to have friends bring me groceries, to where i am now today with all of the above things on my plate and knocking one thing after another off of the list....God is good, all of the time!!

    Thank you Jesus for helping me in living my life again!!!!!!

    Have a blessed week everyone!!

    GNUOJOUNG Well-Known Member

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    Thought I would post this up since school has started. (and starting to get cooler)
    I go to a church on the U of M Minneapolis campus called Covenant Life Church.
    It's a fairly new church that just turned 3 years old, and is lead by Rev. Joung Lee.
    We focus primarily on students but also cater to young adults (graduates to 30+)

    I'm thinking of having a small car meet at our church parking lot to hang out and BBQ on a Sunday afternoon after service (service is 2:00pm-3:30pm).
    The goal is to bring people together through a shared interest in cars and share the word through it.
    PS: not just for Subaru's (but I have a feeling we'll see a lot)

    Right now I'm just gauging interest, but I'm hoping to make it an event and invite all from MNSubaru.
    People would have the choice of attending service\BBQ or just come by for the BBQ.
    ONLY issue that I see is that the parking lot is not LOW car friendly...so if you're slammed...you'll have a bad time.
    I'll work with my pastor to see if I can set a day aside for this, and I'll create a separate event thread once I get the go ahead.

    I'm shooting for 9/29/2013

    Here's a link to our church website.
    My name is Joung Kim, if you happen look for me if you even visit
    mnstilynwrx likes this.
  38. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Thanks for posting this up Joung! I've wanted to have a "get together for God" type of car meet for awhile now and this is an awesome idea!! Keep us posted as you find out more details please!
  39. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    This song gets me excited! Remember when you read this, that YOU are a child of the most high God and that YOU have the power, through Him, to overcome all things and love ALL people!!! "Children of God, sing your song and rejoice!!!! This video is well thought out and so inspiring, enjoy!

    Third Day
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2013
  40. silver03

    silver03 Well-Known Member

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    Preach it brother!
  41. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    And one bonus video...

    I was having a rough week a couple of months ago(107.5 hour work week) and i just felt exhausted and defeated. This song came on the radio and the Holy Spirit filled me with a supernatural energy to get through the day with no complaints. Joy consumed my overwhelmed body and spirit and the rest of the day was amazing! Even if you've heard it before, sit back...relax...and let the Holy Spirit consume your pain, frustration, doubt, anxiety...let it all go!!

  42. Legsaucy

    Legsaucy Well-Known Member

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    Amazing song! I worship at Eagle Brook Church in Lino Lakes and a variation of this song was played a couple weeks ago, during this song was the first time in a while I really raised my hands and let go. Nice to see other car enthusiasts open about sharing their faith, not sure why being into cars makes it special but nevertheless.

    God Bless.
    tangledupinblu likes this.
  43. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    ^Agreed! We have to overcome tough situations on a daily basis in this life. I personally love the lines,"by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of our testimonies".

    Thanks to Christ's sacrifice, we overcome lifes obstacles through the blood that He spilled for our sakes, which is an amazing gift. To be able the overcome 'by the words of our testimonies' is awesome too! We overcome not only our own issues, but our living testimonies change lives of others which bless all involved. :) Praise God, powerful, powerful song!

    It's nice to have another "new member" joining us in praise in here! Welcome again to the forum!!

  44. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    It's time for a praise bump!

    Thank you Lord for blessing me with Vanessa and also for your Holy presence at our wedding ceremony and celebration! It was all in your name!!!

    So it's official! I am a very very happily married man! Thank all of you that have prayed over our special day, it is SOOO greatly appreciated!!! All my love :) image.jpg
    Slopestyle1 likes this.
  45. idget

    idget Want to pokéman? PM ShortytheFirefighter Staff Member

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    Fire your photographer. Both of them. ;)

    Congrats brothaman!
    TSTRBOY2004 and tehfuzz like this.