God lives in this thread!*If you don't care for Him,don't open it!*;)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by tangledupinblu, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. tehfuzz

    tehfuzz Well-Known Member

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  2. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    That was paparazzi, he came out of the woods and started shooting.

    And thanks! :)
  3. TSTRBOY2004

    TSTRBOY2004 Well-Known Member

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    great stuff.... dude you've gotta come down and hang out sometime soon.. or anytime... come shoot your guns.. I miss chatting with you and I could use some of that passion you have stirring in you... mine is running low.. has for many years since dropping out of youth ministry and getting caught up in cars and political crap...
  4. TSTRBOY2004

    TSTRBOY2004 Well-Known Member

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    I have a big yard.. a hoist and a heated workshop... ;)

    just no subaru anymore hahah
  5. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    I'd love to come down and bring my bride with!

    Just remember, even if your passion for Him has faded a little, that He is still right where you left Him patiently waiting for you! He loves you as much today as He did when you were head over heels for Him. ;)
    Love you brotha!!
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2013
  6. TSTRBOY2004

    TSTRBOY2004 Well-Known Member

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    Lets get something on the books... My dad arrives on wednesday for a few weeks... but you guys are sure welcome anytime.. be nice to shoot a bit before it snows...

    you still got the .22?? Id love the wife to try it out to see if she likes it... I got plenty of .22LR..

    Ill take it to pm's instead...
  7. silver03

    silver03 Well-Known Member

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    Yo brother josh! Again, terrific message at the ceremony, really. How's day 3 of married life?
  8. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    It's fantastic! It's so fulfilling to have someone to wake up and start a new day with each morning. I should have known that praying in the morning with someone that loves God as much as i do would be as powerful and enspiring as it is! I'm so motivated to do Gods will each day when the spiritual turbo starts spooling fril

    I am looking forward to everyday now with a new found spritual awaredness!!
    Legsaucy likes this.
  9. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Good morning all! Just wanted to give thanks on this "Thankful Thursday". I am still overwhelmed by the amount of blessings God pours over all of us!

    **I pray that blessings rain down on each one of us today and everyday. And also that thoughts of God consume our minds so that we recognize these blessings instead of overlooking them when they happen!! Amen!**

    Have a great day!
    mnstilynwrx likes this.
  10. derp

    derp Well-Known Member

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    don't you have a honeymoon to be on? :p
  11. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Saturday morning, Honolulu Hawaii! Two weeks ago we didn't think that we'd be able to even go on a honeymoon due to lack of funds(money is wrapped up in trying to buy a house), now we are going to the spot that we had both hoped for and that we'd been praying for!

    God IS good mang!!
  12. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Back from Oahu and let me just say, that was a dream honeymoon!! We still can't get over how great our God is and how blessed we are to have our friends and family pull together for us to enjoy such a trip! Here are a few pics i'd like to share...

    West side of our condo in NE Oahu.
    View from our room on the 5th floor(east side of our condo).
    Lulumahu Falls(40 minute hike one way, no other visitors, worth the hike!)
    Thank you that we left at the base of the waterfall.
  13. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Also, ALL over the island we kept seeing this sticker/vinyl on the back windows of cars and trucks that said "He>i". I had to find out the backstory, so we found the shop on the west side of the island and stopped in! Great people, strong Christian background. We wanted to contribute to the cause, so we got these!! ;)

    They said that the idea stemmed from John 3:30-"He must become Greater and Greater, I must become less and less."

    If you care to look into their stuff to pick some up or grab a hoodie/hat, the website is...


    I'd love to see as many cars in MN wearing these badges as i did on the island or more!!!! Just want, and take pleasure, in giving Him the glory everyday!

    Be blessed, Josh
    Ntxhuav_Khang likes this.
  14. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    We give You praise today Lord and thanks for Your goodness!!
    Have a blessed gratiTuesday everyone! Tell Him what you're greatful for today, ;)
  15. mnstilynwrx

    mnstilynwrx Well-Known Member

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    I am grateful for the challenges and hardships he throws my way, for they make me stronger and more reliant on him.
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  16. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Amen brother! Tough days build character and only cause us to love Him more, good stuff!!

    **Anyone down for a Monday night meet to hang and fellowship?? Kind of like a small group bible study, but can act as more of fellowship time? Coffee shop, Chipotle, etc., etc.?**
  17. silver03

    silver03 Well-Known Member

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    But man, it can really suck at the time though!
  18. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    The more it sucks, usually the bigger the reward! Lol. We need to remember that more and more when faced with tough times.

    I'm still trying to shake the random annoyances and occasional bad moods! I just want to be as joyous at all times as possible!! It's hard when someone lets their bad day infect your good day with negativity. But as long as we stay aware of
    it and focus as much on the positive as possible, it will make all of our lives more enjoyable!
  19. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Yet another Praise report!!

    So the last thing that we needed to go over without a hitch was FHA inspection. They look for some important things like damage to roofs, siding, electrical, etc.
    After goin through the house with a fine tooth comb and OUR home inspection, our inspection uncovered a handful of repairs that we were sure wouldn't pass FHA inspection as they are usually more critical. Without a thumbs up from FHA, our offer and the sellers acceptance of it would be moot.

    God stepped in tho because He really wants a home for us! :) FHA gave a "full pass" with NO repairs needed at all!!! That not only means that we don't have to pay for any costly repairs right now, but it means that the house is ours!!!! God is good and just keeps the blessings coming!

    Lord You are so good and there is nothing that we can't accomplish with You present in our lives, thoughts, and praises! <3

    Have a blessed day/week!!!!!
    Legsaucy likes this.
  20. kickin_81

    kickin_81 Well-Known Member

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    Congrats, Josh! I continue to realize that God provides for us not in instant situations but over time. In short, the more you ask from Him and work toward it the more you will receive. I'm blessed with many things: a few being a wife, a son, a home, my friends, and a dependable vehicle. There's always more I can ask for but I need my breaks too. :D
    tangledupinblu likes this.
  21. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Thanks brotha!

    Everyone should take a break from asking every now and then and work on thanking and praising!!!! ;)
  22. BroCo

    BroCo Moderator Staff Member

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    Please say an extra prayer for my Father today as he undergoes open heart surgery to replace a faulty heart valve.
  23. mnstilynwrx

    mnstilynwrx Well-Known Member

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    In our prayers.
  24. BroCo

    BroCo Moderator Staff Member

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    Thank you. He made it out of surgery just now and everything went as planned. He will be awake in a few hours. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
  25. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Good news!! Well we'll keep the prayers coming for a speedy recovery Bro!!!!!! Love you man!
  26. BroCo

    BroCo Moderator Staff Member

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    Thank Brother!
  27. tehfuzz

    tehfuzz Well-Known Member

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    asking for prayers and good vibes. That the path I am about to tread on is very treacherous . For the ability to get through personal tough times.

    Thank you.
  28. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    You have been added, God bless!
  29. silver03

    silver03 Well-Known Member

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  30. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    This is an "it's been too long" bump! And because it's "Thankful Thursday". :)

    Good morning to you all! God is still moving in my life daily and life is great!!!

    ***Just wanted to let people know that if they are in need of prayers of any sorts...loved ones, friends, coworkers, yourselves...let us know! We are here to help!!!!***

    I was touched by the Spirit on Tuesday morning and heard the term "Jesus died for our sins" on the radio. But what the Spirit shared was beautiful and meaningful to me. Jesus died for our sins, yes. But more so than that, He died to bring us healing, He died to bring joy into our days and lives, He died to give us life everlasting, He died to give us an undying hope for our lives and deaths...HE DIED SO THAT WE COULD LIVE!! And for all of those things and more, i am thankful to Him!!!!!

    I hope and pray that the Spirit moves in your day today. And that blessings that you weren't even aware that you were in need of, are layed upon you! Have a fantastic day!!
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2014
  31. techguymaxc

    techguymaxc Well-Known Member

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    Glad to find other believers here. God bless.
  32. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Be missional, be intentional, be inspirational!!

    Our purpose as Christs' followers is to be missional desciples of His love! Being an influence on others is something that we can all do! Sharing His love for others takes on so many different shapes and forms.

    -Do something for someone today; open a door, say hello, buy someone lunch. Show His Love!

    -Talk about your faith with someone! Whether they share your faith or not, it can be a blessing to both of you. This one is a little bolder than others, but it's a goal you can work your way up to!

    -Pray for someone that you know, even if they don't show need. Some people are good at putting on a "happy" face to hide their troubles. Prayer can't hurt even if they aren't appearing to be in need! If you feel up to it, and someone shows need, ask them if you can pray for them. Even if you don't lay a hand on their shoulder and pray out loud over them, if they know that you would do that for them on your own time during your day, it can touch them deeply!!

    Love on the world and all of those around you, including yourself!! It's our God given right!!!

    Have a blessed day!
    Ntxhuav_Khang likes this.
  33. idget

    idget Want to pokéman? PM ShortytheFirefighter Staff Member

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    Didn't make it past here ;)
    02subbieRS likes this.
  34. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Lawlz! You never make it past there. It's ok tho, i still love ya...even if you don't answer your phone when i call anymore. :shifty: Lol

    Hope that you're feeling better!
  35. silver03

    silver03 Well-Known Member

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    Psalm 138:8-"The Lord will perfect that which concerns me" OR another translation "All my interests are safe in Jehovah's hands". I have this set in phone to pop up everday at 11 am while at work...for when everyday is not going great. I also have Jeremiah 30:17 pop up every night at 9pm..."I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds". I've been battling some lower back crap and need to keep Gods promise in front of me. Its like God himself is texting me, pretty cool.

    ***On another note, there will be a gathering scheduled of this threads readers coming up in the next month or so. Details to follow soon.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2014
    Ntxhuav_Khang and 02subbieRS like this.
  36. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    I'll be saying some prayers for you brother! And i like the text idea, might have to set something up like that for myself.

    I'm looking forward to a night of fellowship and Subarus with ya!!! ;)

    Could we get a show of hands for people that would br interested in having a meet based on God and cars?
    Call it "Cars and Christ". :)
  37. 02subbieRS

    02subbieRS Well-Known Member

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    Sending some prayer your way! I know lower back crap and it sucks.

    I would be in for "Cars and Christ" meets :)
    tangledupinblu likes this.
  38. whitey

    whitey Well-Known Member

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    what kind of lower back issues are you having? I just had lower back surgery 2 weeks ago at Abbott and I regret not having it done sooner. I put it off for 8 extremely long years. If you need surgery and you have medical insurance and the means to pay your bills for a couple months, I strongly urge you not to wait like i did. There's nothing worse than watching your kids grow up and not being able to play with them.
  39. Legsaucy

    Legsaucy Well-Known Member

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    I was just thinking about something like this the other day. My church has a ton of interest based small groups but none for car enthusiasts. Count me in!!

    Prayers for you and your back issues. I'm going through physical therapy for back and neck right now. Not fun.
    tangledupinblu likes this.
  40. silver03

    silver03 Well-Known Member

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    Its a disc that leans on and pinches a nerve. I had an epidural in Feb which made an enormous difference on the one side. Might be headed back to get another one to fix the other side...in the meantime nothing a couple of advil can't take care of from time to time or on volleyball nights. This is the primary reason I have Jeremiah 30:17 pop up every night!
  41. tonyM

    tonyM Well-Known Member

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    Back pain is almost as bad as tooth pain!

    I can handle broken bones. That doesnt bug me. Throw out my back, tooth cavity and I'm DONE for!

    Also in for a car group/meet/bible study... Count me in as well
    tangledupinblu likes this.
  42. techguymaxc

    techguymaxc Well-Known Member

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    A bible study/fellowship with some fellow Subaru enthusiasts would be cool. What parts of town do people come from? I live in Burnsville and work in Richfield.
  43. tehfuzz

    tehfuzz Well-Known Member

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    Throughout my times of hardship with the past couple of months of struggling through some extreme low points in life. While my significant other was away for the month across the pond in europe. I had plenty of time to sort myself out, and I more than certain it was guidance from the man upstairs to help me notice the epiphany I had. Ever since then I have been able to put all the past burdens that I have carried with me all these years behind me. Since that day I feel at peace with myself and I couldn't be happier...

    A good reminder that I should be getting my arse back into church, or at least make more time to talk to God in my daily life.

    It's pretty unbelievable how life is so Ying/Yang like when it comes to the high and low points in life.

    Just felt like sharing this because I am certain that whatever happened to me was a work of God.

    Cheers and God Bless.
  44. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    ^praise God! I'm glad and thankful that things are turning around for you and will keep praying that that peace stays with you!

    So...you could always get back into it by coming to join us for a night of "Cars and Christ"!? Jus sayin. ;)

    I'm in North St. Paul. We will probably have our first meet in Andover since Rick has been gracious enough to offer to host. It would be a pretty long haul for you, but i'm hoping that we can find a spot a little more centrally located to meet at on a more regular basis.
    Pia Thao likes this.
  45. silver03

    silver03 Well-Known Member

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    Thursday May 8 at 7pm in Andover for the gathering. Pizza n pop provided. look at your calendars. Reign or shine!
    tangledupinblu likes this.