Got me a grimmspeed v2 gesi jpipe on marketplace for $575, brand new. I'm happy with that. I didn't know grimmspeed was based in mn, the guy works there and he made this pipe for his car but it's got a knock now so he's trying to fix it.
If you really want to get it on sooner than later, I don't live too far from you (saw your car parked in the driveway) and have a garage spot if you want to knock it out in an afternoon!
You saw it by meisters? In stillwater, where you from? I gotta save a little more to buy a tune b4 I put it on, so 1 or 2 more checks I should be ready to go.
Yep! I'm over in Croixwood. Just let me know if you need a spot! My subaru is taking up part of the garage, but can move the other vehicle if you need to use it for a day! Just a few days heads up is all I'd need!
Hell yeah no prob man, I appreciate the offer and I'm sure I'll take you up on it once i can get a tune.