Agreed. Though I like their product, we are going on 2 months now(order placed 11/16/09) :ugh: Good thing it is only floor mats.
are all their orders on backorder? I ordered a set before christmas right off their site and still have not got then either
They are saying that most of their orders went on backorder. Thank you, hella, I was starting to think that line was a bunch of BS. lol At least its not just mine!
Maybe start a group buy on carpet? I'm actually half serious, I'd like to replace the blue "boat carpet" in the STi to real black carpet. Maybe we can all start contacting the weather tech folks until these things actually get here.
Hey Eli, Would it be possible for you to post this womans contact info for us? I think I'd like to discuss some things with the folks at weathertech and figured someone who has some knowledge(even if it is limited)of our order would be a good place to start.
I'm getting very frustrated with this. I had new carpets. Now with all the cold weather, more and more salt is being used. Guess where it ends up?
I ordered a set seperate from the group buy and apparently they are "each custom made to order" which is complete bs! What horrible customer service from such a company, one month for two sets of floor mats that cost $300? They should be sitting on my door mat the day after I order them at that cost!
Custom made or not, they said they shipped ours more than two weeks ago I'd like a tracking number, and if they can't provide that I'm thinking refund time. I'll spend my money on the new carpet instead.
Please. I have been calling and calling and sitting on hold for the last half hour. there websit say please allow 5 days shipping we are way past that and it is REALLY getting old now. Do we have an order number or anything I can reference in an email to the company?
Hey guys, I'm going to have you all to just chill for a little bit. Eli has expressed to me that he's doing his best and his hands are a bit tied on this. Clearly the company isn't just screwing over us, but everyone. If people have concerns or issues about this group buy please contact me and I'll work directly with Eli. Remember that he is doing this for us as a favor thanks to the connections he has with his dealership. I'm just as frustrated as everyone else, but there isn't much we can do at this time. -Ryan
I'd also like to note - there is getting to be a rocky relationship between us and Weathertech. US being Lexus Of Wayzata. Someone has been calling them and using the Lexus name. To whomever that is/was: Die in a fire. You're not helping anything.
It's a shame this was a group buy and all the money was funneled via Eli. I would have disputed this long ago. 2 months for floor mats is out of hand! They are however nice mats. Much better then the Subaru variety.
You got to be kidding me. I may be tiered of waiting, but it is only floor mats. If you need floor mats that bad go to wally world and buy a cheap $20 set to get you by. I still give props to Eli for setting up the group buy and Lexus for letting him do so. However I agree with ELI, if any one is to call Weathertech it needs to be him or a employee of Lexus of Wayzata. Not only are you risking this group buy you are risking any future group buys, risking the loss of Lexus of Wayzatas account with weathertech and potentially Eli's job. I think you owe Eli an apology and leave the contact with Weathertech to Eli and Lexus.
In all reality its even better than that: Weathertech has expressed that the do not like the wording of our campaign now with the "improper floor mat" campaign Lexus is launching with the IS and ES models. This is effecting ALL IS and ES model years 2006-2010. Some of the wording of the official documents make it seem that Lexus is COMPLETELY against any floor mats other than OEM. There is word going around that "popular floor mat companies" have talked about legal action against Lexus. SO things are just compounding daily here. Its a freakin blast.
As my pm to Ryan stated, I really hope nobody blames Eli for anything here. And I for one did not speak to anyone at weathertech about this as they don't answer their phones. Can't a company say they only want oem parts being used? Thanks again Shibbs for the gb you don't deserve the trouble this has been. If it helps when contacting the company I am willing to take a refund if they can't get this figured out sometime.
As an update, the order has shipped. I have a PRO number on it. SO, its all up to the shipping company now. EDIT: Shipped with Estes Express Lines. These should be ready to be picked up on Tuesday! I will make a post when I see them for sure as its pretty hard to impress me at this point.
Thank you!!!! Does the Lexus oem mat thing have anything to do with the recall due to floor mats getting stuck under pedals? that was toyota, right?
Toyota/Lexus, yes. Yes, it is all about that recall. Reshaping the gas pedals, removing sound deadening material in the floor boards, and REMOVING ALL FLOOR MATS FROM THE VEHICLE THAT ARE NOT LEXUS OEM REDESIGNED FLOOR MATS.
I bet that's a ton of fun....:unamused: You would think that they would at least not be a pain in the ass about something that is already paid for.....As much as I would like to purchase a set for my RS now, this certainly makes me think twice.
When I received this e-mail from Eli as I was driving to the Ice Races I was very upset. To the board member who did this: With a group buy you need to understand that their may be issues which will be dealt with. Clearly from the posts of other people everyone's order from weathertech was backed up. By pulling crap like this, people aren't going to want to offer to do group buys.
THE MATS ARE IN!!! omg this means each of you can swing into Lexus to pick them up! ONLY come in between these hours, and you MUST talk to me (Eli in parts) to get these mats. Nobody else will be able to help you. M-TH: noon - 8 pm Friday: 10am - 6pm
I'm gonna keep bumping this all day. Goodheart #440971 - paid! badbennyb #440971 and #441881 - paid! mrrhode04 #440971 - paid! silver03 #440971 - paid! rexneffect #440971 - paid! CGM2007WRX #440971 - paid! ryan #440971 - Paid! Subytek #441661 - paid! flstffxe #461281 - Paid! idget gone Predavore #441661 - paid! 03suby #440971 - Paid! turbo turtle #440971 - paid! Moleness #440971 - paid! Ray916MN #440831 and #441371 - paid!
Goodheart #440971 - paid! badbennyb #440971 and #441881 - paid! mrrhode04 #440971 - paid! silver03 #440971 - paid! rexneffect #440971 - paid! CGM2007WRX #440971 - paid! ryan gone Subytek #441661 - paid! flstffxe #461281 - Paid! idget gone Predavore gone 03suby #440971 - Paid! turbo turtle #440971 - paid! Moleness #440971 - paid! Ray916MN #440831 and #441371 - paid!
I just got back from picking up my floor mats that eli so nicely ordered for us and I gotta say I'm pretty ****ing pissed off right now. I'm not going to name names, but the action of some of the users on here are just uncalled for. If you so desperately need updates non-stop then order the god damn parts from the manufacture yourself. Eli is not He setup this group buy to try to save some people on the board some cash, not be harassed daily no only via PM, but calls and text messages to his phone along with calls to his work. Then someone had the balls to call the company pretending to be him. It's bull**** like this that will get us **NO** groupbuys. If you need something so bad then go to the damn store. Eli's not making any money off this (in fact, I believe he might be losing some money). Yes, I'm going to agree that he could have done a better job at keeping us all up to date. Keeping us up to date is not daily messages. It's messages as he gets information. Yes we all got bent over from weathertech on the deal, but guess what... people who ordered from them got bent over too. If people had such a problem then contact myself (the MNSOC vendor person) or contact a moderator. In the future I would request that people chill out a little more on their group buy situations. -Ryan
Goodheart #440971 - paid! badbennyb #440971 and #441881 - paid! mrrhode04 gone silver03 gone rexneffect #440971 - paid! CGM2007WRX #440971 - paid! ryan gone Subytek #441661 - paid! flstffxe #461281 - Paid! idget gone Predavore gone 03suby #440971 - Paid! turbo turtle #440971 - paid! Moleness #440971 - paid! Ray916MN #440831 and #441371 - paid!
I for one think Eli did a good job at keeping us up to date, what ever he had for info he had he passed down to us. What more can you ask for? Eli if you are in fact loosing any funds on this deal, I will gladly chip in my portion to keep you from loosing any thing on these. I am thinking I will pick mine up Friday mid day, but I will send you a PM when I know for sure.
Thank you for the kind words. I was left in the dark so many times about these that it was difficult to keep everyone else up to date as well. The usual response from them was "Oh it'll ship out today!" Needless to say that got old hearing that every day for 3 weeks.
My order I placed on December 23rd just got here today... thats just one set of mats not 15. I was not a part of this group buy, but the asshat that went behind eli's back on this can do exactly what he said DIAF.... This club has enough issues with gaining positive momentum with out asshats out slandering someones name!!!
This is not cool. If I ever find out who was calling weathertech as Lexus, I will personally perma-ban you. That is serious bull****. Very serious. It is called fraud, plain and simple. Shibbs could lose a job and Lexus could lose a vendor and you could be the ******* that is personally responsible for making that happen. Russ
Goodheart #440971 - paid! badbennyb #440971 and #441881 - paid! mrrhode04 gone silver03 gone rexneffect #440971 - paid! CGM2007WRX #440971 - paid! ryan gone Subytek #441661 - paid! flstffxe #461281 - Paid! idget gone Predavore gone 03suby #440971 - Paid! turbo turtle #440971 - paid! Moleness gone Ray916MN #440831 and #441371 - paid!