no problem, mine is 1" lower and no issues. The one I go to, the car wash moves forward and back on a track, you stay parked the whole time.
There are a few touchless washes that have nothing that you need to clear. I have found that typically the corp ones are just drive in. I would not worry about your lip.
might have missed it, but can you go to any participating location or do you declare which one you'll use?
Any Corperate Location. This does not work with franchise. They have their own and it only works at their locations. LINK HERE
My sister works at the Eagan Holiday store off of 35 and diffley. Ask for molly if you choose to sign up there, she gets a bonus for each one /shamelessplug Pretty sure it's a corporate store, has the track that pulls you along and a person up front with a pressure washer.
i just signed up for this and am hoping to make a map out of the multiple locations, as well as tying e85 pumps into it as well.
I too got the holiday unlimited wash a few days ago. I notice a few of you guys mentioned that you use it 2-3 times a week. Is there such thing as over washing with the touch less wash? I've done some research but get mixed answers. Most people online say anything over once a weak can be detrimental to clear coat and cause rust spots from continued use. Me personally I'd rather have the salt off and risk the over washing. What do you guys believe is a safe amount of times per week? Or do I just say Yolo and wash it twice a day haha
I'd say you have a better chance of curbing a wheel on one of those stupid guide rails on the floor that some of those washes have or clipping a curb in the parking lot entering or exiting the wash, or just outright being run into with the way the caffeine, nicotine, or scratch-off addled patrons navigate through the facility. I rarely use a Holiday or SuperAmerica to purchase fuel because they are too congested inside and outside and I have lost all ability to tolerate such a low cumulative IQ on a regular basis. My LGT is entering it's eight winter season as a daily driver and shows no surface rust with being washed about once a month during the winter. I believe a lot of Subaru's (and most other manufacturers) corrosion problems are from moisture collecting in poorly designed inner structure and not being able to drain out properly and dry completely. I also think a lot of surface rust issues are from road debris nicks and chips not being touched up or from paint being worn away from metal surfaces from removing and re-installing body panels such as bumper covers or air management devices twice a week in an effort to turn a Subaru into a true supercar with mechanical upgrades...or from said panels vibrating in the wind due to broken or missing fasteners. That said, wash away, or don't...something else will claim or otherwise damage your vehicle eventually much to your dismay.
i am a huge fan of the the do it your self indoor car wash. guaranteed not to scratch the paint and i can get the entire undercarriage with soap/water - and really cheap.
None of the holidays that I have used have these guide rails. Usually the only rail guards are 3/4 feet away from each side. The non-corp ones are different.
The ones by my work. Weekdays I hit up the one on 35w and Industrial blvd. I go around 6am and there is never a line. Weekends I hit up the one by Afton Alps on my way to or from work. Hwy 95 and hwy 94
I went to Oreilly's and got a big drying towel just in case. I had to wipe it down for a few minutes. I will try the one off industrial if it warms up a little next week. sposed to be almost below zero by the end of the week.
Thought I was at a RAVE for a second while pulling into the car wash tonight.. Nope just the kid guiding me in with a glow stick and that's why the wash on diffley and 35e in Eagan triumphs over any other!
I just got a wash there on Monday and I know what you mean. The neon lights, glow sticks, and colored foam reminds me of some good times in college lol. That one is the closest attended cloth conveyor wash to my work and the attendant kid always says he wants my car.
I could have read conveyor wash 100 times and not made the connection. Not firing on all cylinders this morning.
Haha definitely not touch free but if you are in the area there is a touch free one that takes the wash pass just one exit down on cliff dr off of hwy 77.
conveyor anything means your getting pulled through a car wash so it must have stages of cloth or rubber things that wash your car.
Well, I never ended up getting this and I'm kinda glad I didn't. The BP I always get gas at (169 & 114th/Elm Creek Blvd in Champlin) just started running a deal - free car wash (touchless) with every fill-up on Thursdays. Since I usually get a little over a week on a tank of gas I'll just start the rotation every Thursday
My fxt bottoms out on that conveyor rail. Had to reverse out forcing the two minivans to do the same. Boy did those minivans struggle to reverse :/
Yikes thanks for the heads up. My WRX is still stock height but I am planning on lowering come spring
I like that one on manning, (94&95) that is my favorite touch less, my favorite soft cloth/pressure washer guider in guy having wash is the one in Curcle pines/blaine on Lexington and 35w. I hit that one up pretty much every day with my temp car that I changed my unlimited pass to, which brings me to my next point it's pretty easy to change it between vehicles say you sell your car or in my bit of awesomeness roll the ****er.
Thanks for the reply. I think I might go with Super America since they have a $5-10 off first month and is cheaper than Holiday by $5 per month.
I just did the holiday one today. Sounds like they are running the buy one month get a month promo for November.