This video is pretty neat. Todd (venommm) over on MNSRT compiled this video for us.
Nice vid... Well put together. I still think they put all the styling in those cars in the front and forgot to finish with the back.
Alright this does it. ITs time for the MNSUBARU CLUB Mix...Just wait till the summer I will take full responsiblty to make a better video... :evil: :twisted: Very nice Video BTW..
That's a nice video that has been put together nicely. It's probably just me but it would be much more pleasureable to watch if the vid included some action vids. (one-wheel-wonder tire smoke from the 02 SRTs don't count)
Hahaha, I think the plan was to keep it "classy" for lack of a better word .. and leave out all the stupid (but fun) things. The second video will have more unplanned footage, I believe.