I don't know about there being any sun but I will welcome it. forecast shows it to be cloudy tomorrow.
I say no OC and meet up at someone's garage. THAT's how we use to do it, or JJ's like Tony suggested. My garage is not available since the woman is feeling like crap and needs some rest. She loves the rumble of Subies, but not tonight.
jj's is a fun place I suggest we go there ...I actually might be down for a meet tonight as long as I can stay awake. 7pm?
What? http://www.weather.com/weather/hourbyhour/graph/Minneapolis+MN+55404:4:US 0% chance of rain suggests 0% chance of rain. Looks to be a perfect night for Calhoun. Too bad I'll be in the garage again
Hmm I might take my 80% chance of no rain and see what's going on around Calhoun tonight. Thanks for offering your garage though RexNEffect!
Chance of Precip: 6PM: 20% Midnight: 50% I see no issue and that storm is staying north. Yet I don't even know why I care!
For sure, it was very nice to meet another bugeye owner with some pretty sick mods!. I put them WRB grill sides in my car so I don't forget on Friday, see you then...
I told my Wife she should've bought a black Leggy instead of her Lancer, she asked me, why? I said... Because! bduncs!!! she didn't get it!!! , but that was a nice looking leggy man!!!
Looks like I will be coming tomorrow. Does anyone know who the dude is that wants the roof racks I have? (guy with the spray painted green car) I want them out of my garage. Let me know if i should bring them (who ever you are)
im out this week, its my birthday and I am going out to dinner with my parents, I might how ever come out after for a drink if people go.
Boo, I have another flight tonight and I'll be in Vegas next week for work. I'm on a pretty poor streak for Tuesday night meets...but July 2nd, I hope to be there!