Misfire cylinder 3

Discussion in 'General Subaru Discussion' started by Dynapar, Dec 15, 2004.

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  1. Dynapar

    Dynapar Well-Known Member

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    my dads impreza l wagon is a 95 or 96 with the 2.2l and automatic tranny it has about 200,000 (midlife) and his check engien just came on. rant eh code and it says its misfiring on cylinder three. we are gonna try new plug wires, plugs. he says the exhuast smells like gas. any idea of what it could be. (hoping nothing major ie cam shaft, rod, piston ect...)
  2. kickin_81

    kickin_81 Well-Known Member

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    The least you can do is to get a good tune-up. If it persists, then start playing with hardware such as the ignition pack and spark plug wires.
  3. Chux

    Chux Well-Known Member

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    what do ya know, the zahn's subie problem was on cylinder 3, huh, your dad's been checking the oil hasn't he? j/k, I bet you'd get some other codes with a broken cam!
  4. Dynapar

    Dynapar Well-Known Member

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    car runs fine, it just thros the code. the car hasnt had 27,000 miles w/out an oil change like zahns. it is probably overdue but only by like 500 miles or so
  5. bikerboy

    bikerboy Subie GOD Staff Member

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    If it were something major (cam, rod, piston) you would probobly have no codes and lots of noises right before it went boom.

    With as many miles on the car I would go in this order.

    replace plugs and reset ecu. If the code comes back then,

    replace the plug wires and reset the ecu. If the code comes back then,

    replace the coil pack and reset the ecu.

    You could do all of this at once if you like I would skip the coil and go for the parts that are cheap first.

    Try doing the plugs, (avoid Bosch platinum) wires, and a new air filter. Then reset the ECU and see what you get.
  6. Dynapar

    Dynapar Well-Known Member

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    why aviod bosch platinums? i think thats whats in there right now
  7. tbone

    tbone Well-Known Member

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    get the NGK iridium, for long last plugs
  8. bikerboy

    bikerboy Subie GOD Staff Member

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    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by Dynapar

    why aviod bosch platinums? i think thats whats in there right now
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Ha, and people say I dont know anything. }:)

    Change the plugs
  9. Gspot

    Gspot New Member

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    I have the cyl 3 misfire code too. Bloomington sent the ECU out to be reflashed and it came back. APparently there is no real problem and this is documented in multiple WRXs. I dont think this is your problem though, I think it has something to do with Cyl 3 being so close to the turbo. Just chiming in =)
  10. bikerboy

    bikerboy Subie GOD Staff Member

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    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by Gspot

    I have the cyl 3 misfire code too. Bloomington sent the ECU out to be reflashed and it came back. APparently there is no real problem and this is documented in multiple WRXs. I dont think this is your problem though, I think it has something to do with Cyl 3 being so close to the turbo. Just chiming in =)
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Reading comprehension

    "96 with the 2.2l and automatic tranny"

  11. Gspot

    Gspot New Member

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    take your own advice
    thats why I said "I dont think this is your problem though..."

  12. Dynapar

    Dynapar Well-Known Member

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    sorry i havent updated this. been busy. well my dad tried to change the plugs. and well we couldnt ge them to come out. the seemed to have siezed into the block. his assumption was that the plugs are steel and the block is aluminum so with 200,000miles they may be 1 piece. we are guessing that they are the original plugs. we are gonna bring it to a shop and have them take the plugs out;)
  13. morganm

    morganm New Member

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    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by Dynapar

    sorry i havent updated this. been busy. well my dad tried to change the plugs. and well we couldnt ge them to come out. the seemed to have siezed into the block. his assumption was that the plugs are steel and the block is aluminum so with 200,000miles they may be 1 piece. we are guessing that they are the original plugs. we are gonna bring it to a shop and have them take the plugs out;)
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    PB BLASTER 4 teh win!!!11 :mrgreen: That stuff is great but any penetrating lube works wonders if you let it setup and work.

    My wife's old Legacy was the same way. Coming back from Iowa I could feel a funny missfire up hills. Next day it was horrible... barely could get going. Did the first tune up since owning it really; plugs, wires, oil, PCV, air filter. The plugs were so rusted and fused to the heads. Thought for sure one was going to bust apart or disinegrate the threads in the head. Soaked it with some penetrating lube and took it easy on them. Came right out.

    They were the cheap'ass Champion plugs. :p I buy cheap'ss NGK plugs. ;)
  14. Todd

    Todd The Originator Staff Member

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    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">why aviod bosch platinums? i think thats whats in there right now<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    With a waste fire ignition coil system one plug fires forward the other backwards. Forward is from the center terminal to the ground strap. Backwards is from the ground strap to the center terminal. When the spark (Voltage) is trying to fire backwards it is difficult (high kilavolts) for the spark to find the super small platinium tip hidden in the porsilin of the center electrode Bosch sparkplugs. For waste fire ignitions, I recommend double platinium spark plugs.

    The WRX is coil on plug (fires forward) and realy likes the Irridum pluds.
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