Morries Minnetonka Subaru--Mod friendly?

Discussion in 'General Subaru Discussion' started by TabulaRasa, Dec 13, 2004.

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  1. TabulaRasa

    TabulaRasa Well-Known Member

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    Is Morrie's Minnetonka Subaru mod friendly?

    The only "mod" I have is disabled DRL's but I'm bringing my car in to look at a CEL soon. Don't want them denying warranty work over some stupid little thing like disbled DRLs. :D

    It's wierd, the car seems to drive just fine, no problems. I do suspect it is related to the MAF, emissions control, or O2 sensor. I noticed maybe 2 months ago the trip computer was showing I was getting about 1mpg less average less per tank even though my driving habits didn't change, I didn't think anything of it, maybe the change was because of the colder weather. Or maybe it's just a red herring.

    Can't wait to see what the OBD-II reader tells me. [xx(]
  2. BlackDubRX

    BlackDubRX New Member

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    Don't even take the chance of getting it denied... I have an OBDII reader that I hand sanded so it would fit into the WRX molding, we can meet up and I'll do it FOR FREE!
  3. yosmiley

    yosmiley Subie OG Missin'In Action

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    Tom (BlackDubRX), TabulaRasa (his name is Tom also) has an 05 Legacy. I'm not sure if the Impreza and Legacy share the same OBDII connector... anyone have any idea?
  4. Zola

    Zola Well-Known Member

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    I thought the whole point behind OBDII was that it is a standard...?
  5. Gspot

    Gspot New Member

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    Standard codes. I think all subaru connections are the same though. I highly doubt anyone would deny your warranty for disconnecting the DRLs. They have to prove that the problem is related to a modification. I had warranty work done with all the freebie mods done. DRLs, grounding, intake hack.
  6. Zola

    Zola Well-Known Member

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    Right I understand the codes bit, but I don't understand why he couldn't just go to Autozone and get the code pulled. I hope the dealership doesn't charge you $75 or something for the "service" of spending 30 seconds hooking up the Subaru Select Monitor.
  7. morganm

    morganm New Member

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    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by Zola

    Right I understand the codes bit, but I don't understand why he couldn't just go to Autozone and get the code pulled. I hope the dealership doesn't charge you $75 or something for the "service" of spending 30 seconds hooking up the Subaru Select Monitor.

    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    They ALL charge atLEAST $75 to pull the codes. Have yet to find a dealership that will do it for less. Thankfully on all my vehciles I can either hook up test connectors msyelf or use a paper clip and do it :mrgreen:

    I'd take up that free service offer! Then you can walk into the dealership or shop of your choice armed with the knowledge of what you want done. This leaves little room for the shop to screw you over and they know right away you atleast know something of what you are talking about... again minimizing your chances of an atempted rip off.
  8. tbone

    tbone Well-Known Member

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    I got OBD 2 reader, do it free as well. Don't denying this problem SERIOUS!!!:cool:
  9. Dynapar

    Dynapar Well-Known Member

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    blachdubrx, is your code reader specific for the WRX or will it work on other imprezas? my check engine light is on. i know what it is from and i have fixed the problem, however the light remians on. i think i just need to clear the code. think your reader could do it?
  10. Gspot

    Gspot New Member

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    He won't be charged anything. Pulling codes is part of the warranty.
    Dynapar- Don't 95 model year vehicles have OBD-I? If thats the case there are usually tricks to read codes like what Morgan was saying about paperclips.
  11. wall of tvs

    wall of tvs Well-Known Member

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    Morrie's Minnetonka replaced my 1st and 2nd gear synchros under warranty with no questions asked. I brought the wagon because it would randomly grind in 1st (but had no problems with 2nd), and they replaced both -- I even got a free loaner for a few days.

    The only mods done at the time were a 20mm swaybar and the intake silencer delete in case you were wondering.
  12. BlackDubRX

    BlackDubRX New Member

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    My OBD II reader will work on any OBD II car (if the molding gets in the way like the WRX I'll sand it down again.) As for the warranty... Mine was denied over no intake silencer and no "boost restrictor orifice" whatever the hell that is. NOTHING WAS EVEN WRONG WITH MY CAR WHEN THEY DENIED THE WARRANTY they just sent me a check and it was over.
  13. wall of tvs

    wall of tvs Well-Known Member

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    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by BlackDubRX

    My OBD II reader will work on any OBD II car (if the molding gets in the way like the WRX I'll sand it down again.) As for the warranty... Mine was denied over no intake silencer and no "boost restrictor orifice" whatever the hell that is. NOTHING WAS EVEN WRONG WITH MY CAR WHEN THEY DENIED THE WARRANTY they just sent me a check and it was over.
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Was this at Morrie's Minnetonka???
  14. BlackDubRX

    BlackDubRX New Member

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    No, Subaru/Acura in bloomington. The one by where Project D use to be. Not only was it them that looked at it one of the regional reps from SOA was there, which is probably the main reason they shot me down.
  15. WRX1

    WRX1 _ Staff Member

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    OBD-II is a standard plug, it will plug into anything 96 and newer for sure, and there are some cars that go back to 94. The only thing different between the car manufactures is the wire in the harness that the info is sent on. Ihave a obd-ii scan tool also that will work on any subaru.

  16. 1SIKWRX

    1SIKWRX New Member

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    so can i go anywhere to have my car fixed under warranty?
  17. rmrf

    rmrf Well-Known Member

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    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by BlackDubRX

    No, Subaru/Acura in bloomington. The one by where Project D use to be. Not only was it them that looked at it one of the regional reps from SOA was there, which is probably the main reason they shot me down.
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    That's wierd, bloomington has been really good to me, and I have had all my warranty work done there, with the mods listed. I also have had the silencer removed since the first week I owned the car.
  18. BlackDubRX

    BlackDubRX New Member

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    It was probably cuz that rep from SOA... friggin pick.
  19. TabulaRasa

    TabulaRasa Well-Known Member

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    Well, I got it checked out, the code was for a loose gas cap...phew. But strange thing is, I always turn it till it starts to click. All is well now. :)
  20. BlackDubRX

    BlackDubRX New Member

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    You got that small leak in the evaporative systems code? Odd, I just got that 3 weeks or so ago.

    DISCOPOPE Well-Known Member

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    i took mine into bp subaru to have them check for clutch shudder.
    same guy i always deal with said no problem, if we can duplicate the issue you have a new clutch waiting for you when you get back.

    mods were at the time.
    aps cai, borla catback and utec.
  22. BlackDubRX

    BlackDubRX New Member

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    I heard when you take it in for clutch shudder they put in a new flywheel that's heavier.
  23. TabulaRasa

    TabulaRasa Well-Known Member

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    According to my invoice, I got:

    Code P0457 Loose gas cap

    What caused problems in the evaporative emissions system? That's the carbon canister and expansion tank above the fuel tank that captures gasoline vapors and recirculates it back to the main tank right?

    I'm a Subaru n00b but Audi guru. ;)
  24. BlackDubRX

    BlackDubRX New Member

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  25. AWDimprezaL

    AWDimprezaL has more posts than you

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    I work at morries minnetonka subaru as a lot guy...and let me tell you, they arent very mod freindly! they have a couple of douche nozzles as mechanics there that wine and complain about every mod they see...not to rag on my own company....but im sure they would fix a cel for cheap...hell i'll take the scanner and do it myself! and tell you whats wrong!
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