Morries Subaru Unscrupulous???

Discussion in 'General Subaru Discussion' started by Erock, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Kneel Weiß

    Kneel Weiß FUMP BDI Staff Member

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    It sounds like a raging conspiracy theory doesn't it? Don't trust the dealership Jimmy....they put tinfoil in your britches and beam radio transmissions to your brain meats. But I got the beat boy-o. I tells ya you can beat them transmissions by turning counter-clockwise with a mackerel and a bowling ball.
    Nhibbs and Mike like this.
  2. readymix

    readymix ...Lest ye be trod upon... Staff Member

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    Yeah. It's a conspiracy. Against you.

    Or maybe it's a group of people that have over a decade of experience with a local vendor, some of us know the employees personally, a good number of us consider them friends. And we know from our intertwined lives on this forum, that these people aren't the scumbags you are painting them as. And the malicious intent that you describe doesn't jive with over a decade worth of experiences from hundreds, even thousands of different members. So, when we see some new user join the boards and start painting some picture that doesn't at all jive with the history we know and the personalities we consider friends and colleagues, we naturally want to know the details. Also, alot of us are familiar with the way a dealership service department works, and we know that if you call parts and ask for the parts needed to do something, and ask a service writer for the exact same thing, you're going to get entirely different answers, as one is based on "parts associated with X" and the other is based on "this is the prescribed service recommendation for the requested repair." Another thing this community typically does is when something doesn't go right, we work with the vendors to work out a resolution. Out of over a decade of experiences at Morries, and interactions with those people, and when those interactions go south, the discussions we have with those people and others that have a say in the situations that arise, we come to positive outcomes that benefit everyone and make happy customers. That is what has happend for over a decade. And the people around here will come in here and call you on it when your described situation smells different than what the rest of us have experienced. Especially when you have ZERO history here, and apparently only came here to join up for the discount without contributing **** to the community. This isn't some conspiracy group think campaign to discredit you, the things that come out of your mouth are doing that job just fine.
    drac77, Todd, tehfuzz and 1 other person like this.
  3. derp

    derp Well-Known Member

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    You keep saying you have other things to do.... then post again.

    Also, hero? Lol. I buy parts there. They aren't my hero, they're a resource that is available. Do I appreciate it? Yes. Do I worship them for it? No. And btw, from a "drunk" to a white knight, it's "your".

    Anyway, good luck with your campaign to singlehandedly drive morries out of business. It sure is fun to watch.
    euro, tehfuzz and Hagadorn like this.
  4. Kneel Weiß

    Kneel Weiß FUMP BDI Staff Member

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    Deep your not a drunk, just animated.
  5. Kneel Weiß

    Kneel Weiß FUMP BDI Staff Member

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    * phone doesn't like you.

    SCIFIDELITY Well-Known Member

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    To Brayden's point, when you come out with guns a blazen, don't be so surprised and defensive when people fire back.

    Also, to further your line of logic and the root cause of your "issue," how much does a Subaru "engine rebuild" cost? Because, you know, all engine rebuilds are the same. If you ask s***y questions, you get s***y answers. Your lack of knowledge and preparation aren't anyone else's fault nor problem.

    Morries Minnetonka helped me out big time, Erik especially. I even forgot to mention MNSubaru when I paid for the work, I called back a week later and they refunded me the difference. They will continue to get my business and 100s of others on here, long after you're gone.
  7. austinpike

    austinpike Well-Known Member

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    Maybe other people don't post their negative Morrie's experiences here since it obviously sets off a sh*t storm...?

    Nothing against the parts guys, but I've never been terribly impressed with the service writers at Morrie's.
  8. SurlyOldManMN

    SurlyOldManMN Omdat fok jou Staff Member

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    I think I see a pattern here...

    Have you asked a Best Buy manager why the pricing is different? There is a reason. I wouldn't necessarily expect folks on the sales floor to be clued in. It's pretty common among retailers with both physical stores and online outlets. Hint: It has nothing to do with bait and switch. Based on your story so far, neither does your experience with Morries.

    Your real complaint seems to be a service writer that didn't meet your expectations for customer service when there was a disagreement. That's a very different claim than "Morries Subaru Bait and Switch". If I'm dissatisfied with customer service to the point of going well out of my way to tarnish that company's reputation to the best of my ability once I leave, I'm going to at least demand I talk to a manager first. I'm SOMETIMES surprised at the resolutions offered by just piping up to people who might actually have a chance at influencing things. At the very least I demand to know how whatever process I have a problem with works and/or why the outcome is different from my expectations.

    Sounds like you'd prefer to be pissed off rather than actually get/seek a resolution or explanation. That's suspect and is going to rub people the wrong way. Heads up.

    For the record, just order your stuff online and have it delivered to the store. Best Buy, Walmart, Target, wherever. They're all going to have that "problem" for good reason. I expect to see a different price between online and in-store. Their "instore world web web" is their extranet responsible for securely exposing assets from their corporate intranet. The fact that it uses the same underlying platform as their public facing "external www" site is about saving money by avoiding rewriting a platform that does 80% of what they want when they could just reuse it. That's something Best Buy is very, very keen to do these days. Tough crowd to sell new work to lately...

    Anyway, there is quite a bit of difference under the hood. They just look similar. The prices between in-store and online pricing would be different regardless of the style, layout and branding of the system they used to look them up. The difference between in-store vs online goes much, much deeper than just the pricing. Those are totally different business units operating more or less independent of each other.

    I'll save you some initial research: Those aren't "get them in the store" prices. Those are "order this online so we don't incur the expense of stocking it in a fully staffed store; maybe we can have a go at trying to be competitive with Amazon and Newegg who are eating our lunch with their lack of overhead" aka "keep them out of the store" prices. Quite a bit different than police corrupting memory recall through coercion. But that wouldn't be as fun to rant about to others... ;)

    The ironic bit is Best Buy is easier than most to steamroll for online pricing in the store because they're literally going bankrupt trying to compete with online-only retailers. Guess how that's likely to end? At least your days of worrying about clandestine psychological warfare waged via multiple pricing structures will be over.

    Moral: Always check to see if the price you're looking at is valid for in-store.
    Relevance: Based on the analogies and examples you provided... What's the deal with willful refusal to make sure you know wtf you're talking about and/or engage someone who might actually be able to help you get things resolved? You can't be bothered to fact check your assumptions with Best Buy or engage a manager at Morries... but you have no problems telling anyone who will listen how evil and deceptive they are based on those assumptions. That's not going to sit well with people who have intimate knowledge of the organizations you're ****ting on.
  9. SurlyOldManMN

    SurlyOldManMN Omdat fok jou Staff Member

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    Negative experiences directed at ANY company or person doing business here is not something we take lightly. Be prepared to have people try to poke holes in your story, particularly if you're slamming a person or company that is well known and does a lot of business with forum members. If someone started a thread tomorrow saying ERock scammed them, we'd be just as adamant about justifying the criticism.

    I've never been terribly impressed with service writers anywhere, ever. So yeah, there's probably something there. Outright bait and switch so hide your women and children? Not sold so far.
    Nhibbs, Kneel Weiß, phi11 and 2 others like this.
  10. Mike

    Mike Well-Known Member

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    ^i see what you did there.
  11. ShortytheFirefighter

    ShortytheFirefighter Pokemans. I has none. Staff Member

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    Congratulations. After reading all of your postings I now feel less intelligent than when I came in.

    You obviously don't have it in you to admit that perhaps you may have screwed the pooch in this situation and instead want to shift blame to others. When called out on this, then you shift targets and act offended that the Service Writer wasn't falling all over himself when you brought your car in. After you were offended and asked to leave, what was he supposed to do, beg you to stay? Having worked in that industry for 6 years, sometimes it's better to just let someone leave rather than create a scene or allow the customer to. Some people aren't capable of being reasoned with, you seem to be one of them.

    I'm hoping* that you find my post constructive enough for your tastes. And yes, this thread stinks. I find it very, very suspicious indeed that you've been here for less than a week, and your first post was bashing a longtime vendor because of an inability on your part to correctly price out a service job. So far, you've been a stellar** addition to the forum. Your little rant about the PD and trying to compare it to this situation is nothing short of a full plate of retard sandwiches.

    *Not really
    **Just kidding
    02subbieRS, Kneel Weiß, Mike and 2 others like this.
  12. yarpirate

    yarpirate BANNED

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    hey welcome to mnsubaru do u have any pics of ur car? :D
    drac77, NAITOMEA_ST, Jim C and 9 others like this.
  13. Erock

    Erock New Member

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    blackozone likes this.
  14. yarpirate

    yarpirate BANNED

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    Foot in mouth. Pants on head.
    tehfuzz and Kneel Weiß like this.
  15. Mike

    Mike Well-Known Member

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    is that whats in your mouth?
    Kneel Weiß likes this.
  16. Subie Lovers

    Subie Lovers Well-Known Member

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    phi11 likes this.
  17. ShortytheFirefighter

    ShortytheFirefighter Pokemans. I has none. Staff Member

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    Bull****. Bull****. Bull****.

    You clearly have no idea what you're talking about and now you're taking cheap shots. The discounting is 20% off of list pricing, which coincidentally is the same pricing given to shops that are working on cars. Unless you've worked behind a parts counter and have a full working knowledge of the pricing structure and discounting given, you need to take a step back, have a warm cup of shut the hell up and find somewhere else to spew your drivel. I'm one of the reasons that discount exists in the first place, and I know what the discounting was structured as. In other words, between the two of us there is one person who isn't talking out of their ass right now and it's not you.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2014
    pillboy, Nhibbs, Kneel Weiß and 3 others like this.
  18. Subie Lovers

    Subie Lovers Well-Known Member

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    Next time try a six pack!!!

    Everyone's attitude is greatly improved with one of those...
  19. readymix

    readymix ...Lest ye be trod upon... Staff Member

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    Wow. You ARE stupid. The discount is applied to the list price, not the retail price of the parts. Congrats on getting it completely wrong.
  20. SurlyOldManMN

    SurlyOldManMN Omdat fok jou Staff Member

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    tl;dr - Gonna just complain instead.

    Pretend I called out a handful of formal logical fallacies here. I'm already spent.
    Kneel Weiß likes this.
  21. Erock

    Erock New Member

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    I have worked behind a parts counter and this is a technique that I have been tole NOT to use. If you quote a price you stick to it, there are to be no surprises when the customer shows up.
    blackozone likes this.
  22. SurlyOldManMN

    SurlyOldManMN Omdat fok jou Staff Member

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    I worked as a thief once. That doesn't have much bearing on how Morrie's MTKA does business. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
    Kneel Weiß likes this.
  23. Subie Lovers

    Subie Lovers Well-Known Member

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    Surprise image.jpg
    tehfuzz, derp, Ryan FailRad and 7 others like this.
  24. Mike

    Mike Well-Known Member

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    Kneel Weiß likes this.
  25. readymix

    readymix ...Lest ye be trod upon... Staff Member

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    Right, and what was your flowchart procedure for when the customer asked you and another employee in a completely different department the same convoluted and ignorant question, came up with two different numbers, and then threw a **** fit. Did you always default to the price that was the lowest, or did you try to reason with them like an adult. I'm guessing you wouldn't know because a manager got involved, and you were simply reprimanded for being an idiot.
    SCIFIDELITY likes this.
  26. JasonoJordan

    JasonoJordan Well-Known Member

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    Didn't you say that you stumbled upon on while looking for a forester forum?? Perhaps you should just keep stumbling on to what you were looking for in the 1st place...
    Nhibbs likes this.
  27. ShortytheFirefighter

    ShortytheFirefighter Pokemans. I has none. Staff Member

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    I'm going to go ahead and call bull**** on this as well. If you had previous shop experience you'd have brought it up already.

    Keep digging, please.
  28. AWDimprezaL

    AWDimprezaL has more posts than you

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    Its called matrix pricing, every dealer has it. The discount for mnsubaru has always been 20% off of list, which sometimes equates to over 40%-50% off retail. Which is more than we even discount to some shops in town. Like I said, we'd have been glad to flex a bit to make you happy, if you're even in a pickle someday, remember that. This will be my last addition to this thread.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2014
  29. SurlyOldManMN

    SurlyOldManMN Omdat fok jou Staff Member

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    At the very least I'd expect him to know that "retail" has a specific definition in this context. "Lowest price I can find online" isn't it.

    Edit: #$*% you and your ninjary Erik.
    AWDimprezaL likes this.
  30. readymix

    readymix ...Lest ye be trod upon... Staff Member

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    And I'm pretty sure, when you are trying to make a point about good sales techniques, knowledgeable staff, and ethical pricing tactics, you should probably not indicate you learned the skills of your trade from working at BestBuy. That brain trust hires incompetant highschool tards for checkstand and salesfloor duties, and those flunkies are consistently wrong on everything they say.
    Mr.Tran likes this.
  31. Jerf

    Jerf Well-Known Member

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    If it would help recoup your expenses, I can give you information on how to get a free car wash....PM for details ;)
    pillboy, freeze2104, derp and 5 others like this.
  32. SurlyOldManMN

    SurlyOldManMN Omdat fok jou Staff Member

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    Can someone photoshop Morries and/or Best Buy into this for me?

  33. Mike

    Mike Well-Known Member

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    He does good work, he uses special tools ;)
    phi11 likes this.
  34. Subie Lovers

    Subie Lovers Well-Known Member

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    Only thing that makes my life complete is when I turn you face in to a toilet seat!!!
  35. phi11

    phi11 Well-Known Member

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    Thanks guys, I forgot that I needed to order Some parts. I'll give morries a call.

    Nhibbs, readymix, Kneel Weiß and 5 others like this.
  36. SurlyOldManMN

    SurlyOldManMN Omdat fok jou Staff Member

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    In case it wasn't obvious by now, somewhere around post #60 was the end of the "does this guy have a legitimate complaint we need to follow up on with Morries to protect our members?" inquiry.

    For some reason I felt compelled to make sure that was explicitly known. Weird.

    Carry on.
    ShortytheFirefighter likes this.
  37. kongzilla

    kongzilla Well-Known Member

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    Since no one believes Erock, I will be his benefit of the doubt.

    although my opinion doesn't really matter. so you may still lose here.
  38. SurlyOldManMN

    SurlyOldManMN Omdat fok jou Staff Member

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    Erock is about to learn how the NRA felt when Uncle Ted decided to lend his unofficial, highly visible "support".
  39. euro

    euro Well-Known Member

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    awesome I'll have to mention that next time I'm there.

    I was only quoted $700 something for a timing belt change at the Minnetonka location only 2 weeks ago but they did disclose extra parts would cost extra. who knew

    btw this thread, would read again. it may even be coming close to rivaling the 2004 wrx for sale thread
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2014
  40. 02subbieRS

    02subbieRS Well-Known Member

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    :coffee: That may be a stretch but this is definitely the best noob thread I have ever seen!
    Kneel Weiß likes this.
  41. tehfuzz

    tehfuzz Well-Known Member

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    Kanye West would be proud. :coffee:
  42. techguymaxc

    techguymaxc Well-Known Member

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    Gay fish y'all
  43. Nhibbs

    Nhibbs Well-Known Member

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    E-rock and the Rock Pile are at it again! G'nome sayin?!
  44. Nhibbs

    Nhibbs Well-Known Member

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    Oh and I was the one who "unliked" your post. After you said you were just going to NF I thought it was the end of this thread so I "liked" it...unfortunately you went full retard so I retracted my "like."
    If there was a "dislike" button I would probably award you one of those.
    I just hope you don't come on here in a week bashing NF for some made up conspiracy against you...did you by chance forget to take your Lithium yesterday?
  45. tehfuzz

    tehfuzz Well-Known Member

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    Hello! Can I get 15 half eaten cheeseburgers, gnome sayin'? Oh, and two for Tyrone!!!
    Mike and Nhibbs like this.