need help with EJ22 phase 1 vs phase 2

Discussion in 'General Subaru Discussion' started by euro, Feb 21, 2020.

  1. euro

    euro Well-Known Member

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    I picked up an EJ22 from a formerly 2.5RS at upullrparts but not being the original engine couldn't determine much on the engine's actual year. I suspect it's a phase 2 engine based on the valve covers but it's been difficult finding surviving threads explaining the differences in the various versions of the EJ22. Anyone have some good sources or know themselves what the differences were or ways of identifying the heads and block?

    I still need to pick up an ECU, gasket kits, etc. to light rebuild the engine before installing it.
  2. Leonnosyt

    Leonnosyt Member

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    Its hard to tell cause its been swapped but generally phase 2 has the offset intake manifold to head bolts, where phase one the intake manifold bolts are straight in line. So I would say the heads are for sure phase 2
  3. Chux

    Chux Well-Known Member

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    You are correct, phase 2 valve covers.

    Get some degreaser and a brush, the VIN should be etched into the block here: 84436987_10219192615460713_4188843670637641728_o.jpg
    tangledupinblu and euro like this.
  4. euro

    euro Well-Known Member

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    So interestingly enough there wasn't any codes printed on the flange. I couldn't tell if they maybe had been sanded down/milled off or just never had stamps there. Is there anyway of identifying the heads by the embossed or stamped codes in case they weren't the originals?

    Basically all i know about the engine so far is it was an EJ22 Phase II engine that has had it's headgaskets replaced with MLS ones and one of the cam gears is aftermarket/from another model. lower res.jpg
  5. Chux

    Chux Well-Known Member

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    I don't know exactly when they started that. This VIN is for a '95 Legacy:

    But, being that the Impreza chassis was made in Japan, it's quite possible that those didn't get VINs until much later. And being that Phase 2 2.2s only came in '99-01 Imprezas.

    Do you have the intake manifold? Did this engine have an EGR valve?

    Without the VIN. I'm not sure you're going to narrow it down better than '99-01 Impreza.
  6. euro

    euro Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, i got the complete intake manifold with the engine. Looks like it is a non EGR mainfold (only a breather tube where the egr valve should be)

    The second part is helpful though, The car i pulled it from was a 96 or 97 but i do know it wasn't the original engine based on some of the engine connectors taped to the side when i was originally pulling the engine.