Prodrive P1 wheel's Well the time has come to try and sell these I would like to pick up a set of gold wheels next spring so these have to go. I would just paint these but I dont wanna see these wheels other than orignal..they are Anthracite in color and 17x7 Anyways the wheels are in near perfect condition, no curb rash, no chips just one broken center cap. so sad I am going to miss these rims but I hope they go to a good home!!! on to pics, I only have 2 pic for now I will get individual rim pics up later. 700 dont mind the guy in this pic LOL! ok edit these will be separated from tires, and sold buy themselves, springs around the corner someone pick these up!
fall is not the time to sell summer rims and wheels... gl with sale none the less though. I sold my p1's for less, but they had all seasons on them...
They are +52. Not that it matters since these were made specificly for the 5x100 hub Subarus by OZ for Prodrive, so they will fit perfectly on any Impreza model other than the STi. The 04 STi brembos would likely not clear the wheels since the offset is in the 50's on a 7" wide wheel.
i know that they will fit an LGT. a LGT needs at least +48offset for a 17X7 wheel. to fit over the 4pot brakes. i also do think that STI are the same too so i think they will fit.
:unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused: I'm noticing a trend lately of people pulling ideas out of their asses again. These wheels will NOT clear brembos. If you don't know the answer, don't make something up and vomit it out. That's a warning to all of you. Carry on.
thats y i said i think they might fit........... so BOT is it $800 for just the rims or $800 for rims/tires
hmmm thats a good hmmm I know you always liked these bill and on your white legacy they would look siick! oh and thanks T-man and rusty.
someone must want these come on!!!! 800 or make an offer I cant refuse!!!! these wheels are super nice and look awesome on almost any subi.
these rims come standard on the P1 Impreza which is a gc body style but in 18s. The one pictured is someone's P1 replica. Fog covers and brakes give it away. Still nice non the less. Bump for you.....I have the same rims by the way =)........... on my 2.5RS
It's actually standard 17s not 18s. The blue GC is not a replica it's actually the real deal. Fog covers are an optional.
18's my friend. 17's came later when they realize 18's were heavy and hurt performance. The real prodrive p1 model comes with the large silver prodrive brake calipers, not the typical subaru 4 pots. Fog covers are optional but the fogs themselves are of total different design then what you see on a typical gc. Enough tread jacking......glws. Someone buy these...they are the real deal...
Would these fit on an 05 Rex wagon? Thinking of getting some tokico dspecs and springs down the road. Would this be a problem?
no problems on a rex! I had them on my wagon...suspension should be fine, will make it look better with less wheel gap if you plan on lowering it.
I really want these. But I just dont have the funds right now. I was hoping to buy yours when you first posted them on mnsc last year. But my dog got sick and other financial stuff arose....Damn I wanted these.