Question for you event coordinators

Discussion in 'MNSubaru Event Center' started by burtonboy00, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. burtonboy00

    burtonboy00 Well-Known Member

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    We were having a weekly car meet recently in our normal spot, a public parking garage, and the police showed up for a noise complaint. This parking garage is close to some apartment buildings and a few businesses. We've never had the police show up before to any of our weekly meets, but from our recent discussion it sounds like they may force us out from the garage. My question is what is the best way to handle the situation? An announcement was made to all the members who showed up to be mindful and respectful of the space we were using, mainly to keep the noise down. We would like to continue utilizing the space for our Tuesday night 7-9 meets because the garage is in a central location and provides some cover from the prevailing weather. We aren't in a private lot like some meets so there is no owner to get approval from. Do we talk to the neighbors in the apartments and the business owners to try and work something out, or is it better to try and find a private location where we can get authorization from an owner?
  2. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Authorization is always best! We have had issues in the past with weekly meets. We used to meet every Friday night at Firestone off of Uni. We are not really welcome there anymore, (not that anyone goes there anymore anyways).

    If you can find the owner to ask permission,that would be the best way. Or take the route that we take up on the northern part of the cities and utilize a business/restaurant/bar. Summer time we meet at public lots(parks mostly) so there usually isn't an issue.

  3. burtonboy00

    burtonboy00 Well-Known Member

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    I agree authorization is the best way to go if you can get it! This is the first time in years that there has been an issue and it feels like the police are eager to pull the plug on our current location. Summertime always seems easier because it's nice outside and not snowing, sleeting, raining, or whatever has been going on recently. Thanks for the input! Hopefully we can figure something out!
  4. tangledupinblu

    tangledupinblu Event Coordinator Staff Member

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    Are there any signs posted about loitering?
  5. idget

    idget Want to pokéman? PM ShortytheFirefighter Staff Member

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    I would start with local PD then include them on any potential conversations with landowners and such.
  6. burtonboy00

    burtonboy00 Well-Known Member

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    I'm not 100% certian, but I don't think there are any. The officer didn't bring it up.

    Hopefully we can get a line of dialogue going between our group and the PD. Shouldn't be too hard because they are just two blocks down the street from our location.