What a "C U Next Tuesday". Brand new car...21-day tag in the back window. With an attitude like that it won't stay in "as new" condition for long.
Time to go get a couple of those smart cars you can just drive somewhere and leave and park one on each side of her
This ass hat's SUV stalled just down the street from our driveway, half in the lane of traffic. Push it 10' to the nearest curb? Nah, pop the hood and try starting it about 30 times...
Watched this broad pull into the spot, not another car around. Really bummed I couldn't fit my car in either side without being out in the traffic lane. Mission accomplished, I guess.
She needed the extra space to take the spare off and put the road wheel back on after getting it fixed at Fleet Farm's service center.
He's just preparing for when the government takes over everything. The government is going to co-opt volunteer firefighters to be stormtroopers who set you on fire
Mills fleet farm in Brooklyn Park! and yes the photo is a bit old I haven't been logged in in a while. I got 2 more photos coming later once I get home!
Stopped at Target after work today...parked 4 spaces past the furthest cart corral (out in the area where the employees are supposed to park). In this row there was one other car further out than me and there were 2 or 3 empty spaces between us. I come out about a half hour later and that car was gone and a shopping cart was now 2 spaces away from my car. Based on how far out it was and the time of day (about 10 after 3), I can only assume the a$$hat that was too lazy to push their cart 8 spaces to the corral was an employee - nice teamwork letting a fellow employee round up your cart. Now I'll admit, my Legacy is slightly over the center line dividing the rows and I wouldn't have left it like that in a lot that was close to capacity. Not only does the moron in the Outback (I have to believe another employee, since 99.9% of people are too phucking lazy to walk that far to the store unless they have to) have to park right NEXT to me, they really over compensated for me being slightly over the center line. How do these idiots manage to survive as long as they have? They should have been dead before they graduated from high school.
The guy with the Viper is an @$$ hat!, common theme seems to be that people think they are entitled somehow to take more than their one spot.