Ban bait? Thats all I really know. I guess there was some jackass-ery on another thread about about an STI swaped Bug.
can you post to the link to the thread, I couldn't find it. I want to see what started all the quack-assery lol
To be fair on that one, I should say that I've only seen him in person once since he had his little blowup and he spent most of that night at Firestone actively avoiding me which didn't break my heart at all. I'd like to think that I'm the same sarcastic SOB in person that I am on here, although sarcasm just doesn't do as well in this medium.
Wich blow up? I think alot of this stuff could be avoided if we were to ask ourselves "would I say this to their faces?"
Good to know I didn't miss too much in my ~yr of absence :hsugh: Hope that doesn't get me banned because I feel your pain. If people are unhappy with how 1 website on the entire internet manages itself I don't see why they need to resort to trolling.
Chet had a bit too much to drink one night and decided to call me out regarding me selling Jack's old car, and also to tell me how he "really" felt. Nevermind the fact that up until that point anytime we had met in public things had been nothing but cordial. He had plenty of chances to tell me how he felt in person but didn't.
I unfortunately didn't get to read all of the thread that got outa hand, but aside from that I can honestly say that this is one of the most mature forums I'm on. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
I think I have been warned for quoting a R rated movie that was nominated for three Academy awards. In 1975 :laugh:
fixed...I am glad this place might be getting cleaned up, maybe I would feel more welcome here then...I dont even bother starting threads or ask for help knowing what it might turn tired of all the trash talking and making fun of people..I realize sometimes people need to vent..I have many times about things people have done to me on here but bashing other people constantly cause its the cool thing to do is annoying and childish...people need to make judgments about other people for themselves and not listing eveything little thing..thats my 2 cents...I would like to feel welcome around everyone and if people dont like me then they need to real about it..I dont like fake people who are nice to your face but talk crap behind ur back. ok end rant.
"Walk this way..." Your favorite maybe a reflection of our age difference. He did make 4 classics in my mind. I do think the line I quoted is a troll bait of Hollywood proportions.
Without all the BS, trolls, and general ****-talking. There would be nothing to laugh at on here. I understand somethings are uncalled for but don't take all the fun out of everything.
Look at the fun being had in this thread--Not everyone posting in it is getting banned. Jason loves the lulz.
someone told me to grow some balls.. I said I didnt need too cause I have the proof running around my house... the rest of my post was left... (VW thread I think started it all)
nom nom nom!!! you know Jason I was one who has said it a lot over the last few months regarding how much this forum has sucked.. but to me it was because of what you said in this quote... generally for the most part the guys I have met are a fun bunch.. I dont get along with everyone but its not a matchmakers club.. its an enthusiasts club... I have made a couple of good mates from this site... to quote the song that ACDC sang about me.... [YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
idk if this is the right time or place to post this but heck, why not. On one of my dsm forums they do a thing called "Ban-a-member" where you can pay like a buck to ban somebody for a day or $5 to ban somebody for a week. It's all in fun and as soon as it gets carried away they stop (it's been goin for a long time and has yet to get carried away). Great way to shut somebody up (in a nice/funny way) for a couple days if they are hatin. It's also a fun way to donate to the site and possibly future events. -just my 2/100ths of a dollar
Look, I'm all for BSing with your friends. I run a website devoted to BSing with your friends. We have a subforum here called "OFF TOPIC" where you can talk about pretty much whatever you want within the rules of the forum. As for **** talking, well, we are pretty good at telling when you are just talking **** to eachother. Quoting my posts and saying that I am dick-swinging and showing off my e-peen by telling you kids to play nice is TROLLING. Pretending to be innocent while pestering moderators as to why we banned one of your friends is TROLLING. And you can BS and have fun, and smack talk eachother WITHOUT bashing the site as a whole. If it is such a ****ing toilet and such a crappy place to be, then it is time for you to find a new place to be. And if you can't find one because you are busy posting on here telling how crappy it is, then I have a helpful button to ease you into the task of finding a new place to play. It's called the ban button. All I do is click it, and you are then unable to post here about how much you hate this place and think it sucks. And if you would like to continue talking to other people on the internet, you'll have to use Facebook or go to one of the other thousands upon thousands of internet forums there are out there. The chances for screwing up are over. A new era of moderator brutality is upon you. Next time you reach for that "Post Reply" button, think to yourself...."Am I being a jackass on purpose? Am I trolling someone to get a rise out of them. Am I posting about how much this site sucks or making comments that sound like I think this site sucks?" If the answer to any of those questions is "yes" or "probably" or even "maybe" then I suggest you delete it and move on. If you have issues with how this site is run, how the moderators and admins do their jobs, and things of that sort...send us a PM. And we will handle it through that route. But the badmouthing of the mod team is overwith, the badmouthing of the site is overwith. And, man, the misguided, ignorant, and outright stupid and childish bashing of MNSOC because of how the forums are run is definately overwith. I can't bellieve some of you idiots seriously still thought MNSOC had anything to do with how this forum is run. Yeah, they moderate it, because we need moderators and they need access to certain forums and things to do their officer jobs. But bashing MNSOC because the forums suck...that's stupid. Two seperate entities. MNSOC handles community and motorsport activities...MNSubaru is a forum on the internet for Minnesota people to discuss Subarus. Get that through your skulls.
This was actually brought up within the mod team recently. I am all about it, and think it would work well.
Well since I have great ideas like TMT (the mod team), I should get a promotion right? p.s. if you're curious to see how other boards have managed to do this here's a link:
that works really well on mitsustyle and is alot of fun but I have a feeling it will get out of hand on here. but it is a great way to raise money for the club..
you are welcome my dear - here and at events - and anybody who has intentions of making you feel otherwise can skip go and pass directly to me, because i'm bigger, and meaner, and that's uncalled for towards someone as sweet as you. us dirt-loving girls have to stick together! ps: nathan "the proof is running around my house" L. O. L. O. L. O. L. all day long. that made me laugh so hard i had to txt josh to tell him since he's up in fergus fails again with no internetz. :emo:
yeah I know that LOL I just think some people should grow up but whatever! yes us dirt people need to stick together! woot! good luck sunday kick some butt for me.
I aim to please.. unfortunately that is what got me to the position of being able to say what I did to make your day... ha ha ha