Windshield replacement?

Discussion in 'General Subaru Discussion' started by wall of tvs, Dec 22, 2004.

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  1. wall of tvs

    wall of tvs Well-Known Member

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    *grrrr* :(!

    Out of nowhere, my wagon has a crack that goes across the entire windshield. I'm guessing that Subaru won't cover this under warranty (even though I've only had the car since March), so I'll need to get it replaced somewhere.

    Does anyone have any good places for me to check out?

    TIA :D
  2. Flipndabrd

    Flipndabrd Well-Known Member

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    Do you have Glass on your insurance? I'll ask my father, he's good in the insurance biz and knows all the quality spots.
  3. tbone

    tbone Well-Known Member

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    Dude if you have full coverage they will replace under insurance. Cuz of the safety, that's call the comprehensive. Go to Auto Glass City at South ST. Paul. I had my quarter window done causing of vandalism. They done it less an HR and you get a free foam glass cleaner.
  4. kongzilla

    kongzilla Well-Known Member

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    what he just said.
  5. wall of tvs

    wall of tvs Well-Known Member

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    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Originally posted by tbone

    Dude if you have full coverage they will replace under insurance. Cuz of the safety, that's call the comprehensive. Go to Auto Glass City at South ST. Paul. I had my quarter window done causing of vandalism. They done it less an HR and you get a free foam glass cleaner.
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Not necessarily. I have full coverage, but don't have glass coverage. Thus, I'd have to pay my $500 deductible to get my windshield fixed. The only way I'd be able to get my windshield fixed for free through my insurance company was if the crack was repairable, meaning that the whole piece of glass didn't have to be replaced.
  6. WRX1

    WRX1 _ Staff Member

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    I think windshield are covered without glass coverage. You need to check with your agent about that. I think glass coverage is mainly for the rest of the windows. Technically it is illegal to drive with a cracked windshield.

  7. yosmiley

    yosmiley Subie OG Missin'In Action

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    I'm not advertising any insurance company as I work for one and I'm jipped by them as well.

    I use State Farm and have full coverage. Glass is automatically included according to my agent.

    I've used the glass coverage twice through State Farm and so far so good. First time some kids were playing around my car and put a nickle size crack on the windshield. It was replaced w/o money out of my pocket... the last time was when someone broke into my car and my passenger side needed to be replace. I haven't seen a jump in my billing either and that was a good year ago... we'll see what the new year brings.

    Good luck with your windshield.
  8. tbone

    tbone Well-Known Member

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    I told you:D
  9. kongzilla

    kongzilla Well-Known Member

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    in the state of mn. you can not be driving with a cracked windshield. so by law, if you have full coverage for insurance it is already included with glass covarage. then if you have liability, you have the option to buy glass covorage if you want to.
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