WRX custom paint

Discussion in 'General Subaru Discussion' started by 1ofakindWRX, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. 1ofakindWRX

    1ofakindWRX New Member

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    Just curious on what people think...
    I'm planning on painting my '02 wrx this spring/summer and I'm curious to see what people think would make a nice design and color scheme. I'm wanting to do some detail stuff airbrushing - cause it makes it look more sophisticated... but I don't want to over do it. I'm thinking I'd like to keep it darker - and using blues as an accent color. I'm actually liking the idea of an Iridescent midnight blue - that would look fairly dark - and a brighter blue in the light. With that said - I've looked around a quite a bit - but I don't see many custom painted Subaru's - so I'm kind of curious about your opinions.
  2. TSTRBOY2004

    TSTRBOY2004 Well-Known Member

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    there is a chameleon one floating around shakopee... green
  3. devildevil

    devildevil Well-Known Member

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    what color is it now?
  4. devildevil

    devildevil Well-Known Member

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    id rather roll a stock color and put the time and money into the engine. flashy paint just gets your car messed with by stupid people who have nothing else better to do with their miserable lives. IF you're set on custom paint, make it something very subtle yet cool and that you can easily touch up if something happens.... thats my opinion. i own a car my friend painted for me and have won many awards with it but its had many soda cups or eggs thrown at it by dumb people.
  5. ShortytheFirefighter

    ShortytheFirefighter Pokemans. I has none. Staff Member

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    So you want it to look dark, but brighter blue in sunlight?

    You need a MBP WRX. That'll do it.
  6. silver03

    silver03 Well-Known Member

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    Theres alot of great colors out there. Forget about possible resale value for a second and just think of all the choices there are. Pick up a bunch of car craft or hot rod magazines and whittle it down. Our cars look great with the more mainstream colors, and there is still a million choices of those!
  7. 1ofakindWRX

    1ofakindWRX New Member

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    yeah - right now it's a black pearl - has blue metal flake - but looks black
  8. devildevil

    devildevil Well-Known Member

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    i once saw an older camaro at the track and it just looked black w kelly green racing stripes... later i got to get up close to it and it had lots of green metal flake in the black and i will always remember that car. Maybe ghost something in and then a subtle flake over it? and im always a fan of kandy's! my painted car is different on each side and on the driver's side it has ghost smoke behind the more predominant airbrushing. Each side also has different color pin striping. I honestly dont even remember the count on how many different colors are incorporated. if you want some pics for ideas i can show you some of the different cars bob has painted up here, just let me know. Some of his best stuff has came out of someone telling him the colors and just letting him do his thing.