Yet another Kwik Trip all star... Also a few from the BK Lounge in Sioux Falls earlier today. Unfortunately, the white Mazda is courtesy of my step dad (old bastard that's scary to ride with). Forced my brother and I to park on the opposite side. Oh yeah, there was nobody there before he pulled up either.
There is more fail in this picture then I care to try to understand. For clarification, I am standing on the center line between the 2 rows of parking.
Murica!!!!!! And look where you're shopping. That's like me going to a crackhouse and saying, "look! There's a crackhead!" I'm suprised that they all did so well! Lol
But to be fair you have to admit that those lines are pretty pathetic. They are symbolic of the quality of infrastructure throughout the whole Walmart experience. As much as I hate that $h!thole, the employees, and the famous "People of Walmart", I still find myself going in there for bulbs, 5 quart jugs of oil, and Motorcraft filters for our Fords. It does make me want to wear a paper bag on my head when I go in.
I am feeling the need to park in the outskirts of lots now, taking up as many spaces as I can. I found a ding in my Crosstrek this morning that is so deep it can only be described as deliberate. And the make at the bottom makes me fear that my actual paint is scraped off. I guess I couldn't remain ding free forever, but come on people!
Do you where sweatpants and your Murican eagle t-shirt when you go in? It's better than a paper's WalMart camouflage.
Yes the lines were horrendous but I have seen better parking in a snow covered lot. And I typically avoid Walmart like the plague but I was at my in laws and the options are quite limited in their town.
Same here. Except replace bulbs with meth, oil with faygo, motorcraft filters with 20lbs of cheesey poofs, and fords with 'beetus.
A packed parking lot a Surdyks on Hennepin and i come across this. Seriously. I wanted to hang around to let this person know my frustration. The gf wasn't having it though.
He owns a subaru... He's probably just spending alot of time waiting for a tow truck in the Parking lot
Jeez. Buncha assholes in here... For the record, I stopped for human fuel. I usually don't get gas at the Trip unless it's for the Legacy, which ironically does get the best mileage. BP in town has 93.
I purposely parked at least ten spaces from any other car, and this dickhead does this. We're the only two vehicles in the entire row.
This bitch almost runs me over as I come out of the store. Proceeds to go down the aisle I'm taking the picture from, the wrong way, head on with somebody. Then cuts across the parking spaces to make the u-turn, which then leads into more wrong-way driving on her final approach. Of course the c**t has to pick the one open spot right in front of me to land, too. And this was her final position.
The general motoring public is inherently lazy. They will always park as close as they can to the store entrance as they can get regardless of how hard it is to get into and out of said parking spot. Sure, one space farther away and both he and you could have driven out of your spots when you left (and he wouldn't have had to exercise the same care to not run into your car when he pulled in)...but that meant he would have had to take three more strides to reach the store AND three more when he returned to his truck. By parking in the first spot available after the handicapped spots, you were inviting someone to park next to you, in front of you, on top of you, or in the exact same space in another dimension. I hate parking lots...Amazon rules.
You would. Half an hour of my time goes by and am finally free. Left them a teency note letting them know how wrong they were.
All-star gramps parking at Hardee's. Actually didn't even notice the Taurus until I went to post this picture. The Bimmer drew my attention cuz I figured it was the typical "I'm better than all" type of park job. Also didn't even know there was a 4 series. Actually kinda cool looking.
Maybe the Taurus was there first and the BMW just pulled up to it and inadvertently crossed the line.
Watched this woman park her car nicely, then proceed to back up to take up two spots. I asked her politely to pull her car forward so she wasn't taking up two spots. She said it's not her problem and to deal with it. Welp, i guess I'll have to stoop down to her level and give her windshield a spit shine.